Area Code Locator for the Atari ST series computer copyright 1990 DO NOT STAMP (tm) Software This program may be freely distributed but never sold. All commercial rights reserved I would like to thank all the people who have encouraged revisions and supplied corrections for the data contained in this program. It is impossible for me to verify all the area codes and city locations so if you find an error please notify me. This program is only as good as it is because others have taken the time to let me know what was incorrect. This isn't a users manual since the program is easy to use and contains built in help routines. Simply enter INFO or HELP at the main prompt and read the information presented there. These help screens are not available if Area Code Locator has been loaded as an accessory. This is an attempt to conserve the use of RAM as much as possible. One important note here, be sure and read the info screens for instructions on how to configure Area Code for your time zone. If the times shown when you run the program are incorrect then either your system clock is set incorrectly, or you haven't configured the program for your local time zone. Revision History 8/28/89 - V0.1 Began coding a "quick and dirty" version for personal use. 10/26/89 - V1.0 Added some polish and submitted a copy to STart magazine for their consideration. 12/31/89 - Concept rejected by STart. Released v1.0 as freeware. 1/8/90 - V1.1 Internal changes to display routines. Added 212 (NY) and enhanced data organization for ease of future updates. 1/13/90 - Optimized searching routines and added time zone routines. Added TIME command for setting of system clock. Added Metro (city) data and code. Adjusted screen displays to allow more info per screen. Changed HELP screens to GFA Companion generated code 1/20/90 - Fixed typos that caused Oregon to list wrong cities and New Orleans to list out as being in Kentucky. 1/28/90 - v1.2 Enhanced Canadian listings, added NFDLND Time, and the dialing codes for pseudo-area codes. 2/20/90 - v1.3 Fixed error with Atlantic/Eastern time zone. Needed to adjust all time zone definitions. Also added a bunch more Canadian cities and future California area codes. 3/16/90 - v1.4 (never released to public) Added 17 new area codes (and other dialable 3 digit #'s) Added 35 cities. Corrected error with 717 (PA) and 716 (NY) 3/25/90 - v2.0 Code overhaul to support desk accessory and program requirements in one program. Disallowed HELP screens in .ACC version in order to conserve ~25K of RAM. Updated HELP screens to reflect changes. Released first README.TXT with the archive. 7/28/90 - v2.1 released. Newfoundland time is now correctly calculated (it was 30 minutes too slow in earlier versions). Removed the "loading" message when run as a DA. Canadian city listings have been almost completely re-done. Correctly problem with misaligned columns when local time was between XX:30:XX and XX:39:XX RAM requirements have increased by about 5K. ************ Comments and error reports can be sent to the author: Gordon Meyer PO Box 467 Des Plaines, IL USA 60016 GEnie and DELPHI: GRMEYER Compuserve: 72307,1502 Internet: Join The Revolution!