AUDIO COMPACT DISC PLAYER FOR THE ATARI ST/TT SYSTEMS  Version 2.0a. May 20 1993, 9:27 PM THIS VERSION IS NOT CRIPPLED. This version is not crippled. The only reason I did this was maybe people were not seeing the full blown program that made them somewhat unreactive to the shareware policy. Mind you, I have had many people responding to my program with a lot of interest, but I saw not a whole a lot support from them except from a few people. (Thanks to Esteem). So I thought may be if I release an uncrippled version with a choice of upgrading, I would see more responce. So there you have it!! This program fully works with all ST/TT in a completly multi tasking environment (tested on MTOS). I will be adding Falcon support soon if I get my hands on one plus a new feature that I would like to add is direct recording from the CD PLAYER's panel to the system (on the ST/TT through Sound cartriges and for the Falcon, through the built in ports. So your support will certainly speed up the process. I have worked very hard on this, and if you appreciate the program, please send a nominal fee of $ 10.00 to the following address in order to receive the upgrade: Nima Montaser P.O. Box 52127 Ottawa, Ont. K1N 5S0 Canada WHAT IS NEW?? Wow, we are finally up to version 2.0(a), and what do we have here? This has been a huge upgrade to before with totally new code (has triplled since originally written and optimization. Where should I begin? I would say the most noticeable change is the fact that the control panel is now in a window, so it allows 100% multitasking. Another added feature is the presence of a smaller panel(a different window) which has the control buttons only (less setup/config) which takes very little space of the screen and can reside permanently. The Front panel has time elapsed/track# newly added which makes it even more attractive. You can have single track changes (move up or down) or batch. The upgrade (2.0b) allows programmable track changes with the random playing added (Send in your registration!!) Also, you will be advised on which song from which album is being played with the choice of choosing songs instead of tracks. There is also an optimized NEC compatibility. ******************************************************************** Finally in version 1.5, you may choose what track you would like to play. Well, what else? This feature will work with any drive there exists (as long as they are SCSI), even if other features may not work. Yes, it will work with MultiTos. ******************************************************************** New stuff in version 1.4 of audio compact disc player, {NEVER OFFICIALLY RELEASED} 1. There now is an online SCSI command button, that is you can send any scsi command to the CD ROM right from the desktop. NOTE that it will accept HEX commands in contrast to the external DATA file that accepts DEC commands. This function is implemented in the TRACK button. ******************************************************************** Well folks, this is version 1.3 of the audio compact disk player for the ATARI ST/TT systems. This is a major upgrade, so stay tuned: 1- It is now a desk accessory, so you can load at boot up time or load it after boot up using CHAMELEON (Works beautifully) and play your favourite CD while working with your program. Previouse versions also supported background playing, but you needed to load the AUDIO_CD.PRG in order to access your CD ROM and then quit it and go back to your application; well this is not the case anymore once it is a D/A. 2- You can now save your configuration (AUDIO_CD.INF) which loads at boot up time, so once your system is set up for a particular player, ID and DATA file (your Drives' commands if not supported by AUDIO_CD) you won't need to answer all those dialog boxes, you can jump right into playing your CD. 3-An enhancement has been made in loading the data file. Before, you were restricted to enter commands up to 99 (DEC), so if your command happened to be greater than 99, then ... . Now, you can enter any number (up to 32476?), but make sure it is in DEC format, not HEX. 4- It is now compatible with ALL ST/TT resolutions, (v. 1.2 was only medium and high on ST/TT), but now I was able to fit all the buttons and keys to be used on low resolution on ST/TT. 5- Window handling/redraws have become faster, however, it is recommanded when using the accessory, you would have the least number of open windows. (the more windows you have open, the more your system has to put time to redraw them, depending on your system, you may observe a little bit of slow down in redraws. This effect vanishes if you use QUICKST/TT 3.0 or Warp 9. 6- Disk accessing is now handled more carefully, so it would inform you of any possible disk errors. (however, it will not alert you if you have the wrong DATA (i.e. SCSIII.DAT) or INFO (i.e., AUDIO_CD.INF) file, I would guess your system would just crash!!) 7- Many many more internal changes to speed up the processing time. ********************************************************************* Version 1.2 of the previously uploaded audio CD player. This version has the following changes/enhancements: 1- If you happen to have the SCSI commands that your CD ROMS wants and don't want to wait for me to make an upgrade, you can easily implement yourself using a text editor and a few rules by a data file (*.DA). (look at the end of this file and the example file in this archive.) 2- Due to suggestion of a User, I changed the SCSI ID selection from 0-15 to 0-7 selectable for ACSI and SCSI ports on the ST/TT. 3- Faster routines! ********************************************************************** Version 1.1 of the previously uploaded audio CD player. This version is no longer using MENUs, but it has a CD player like control pannel (very nice) with buttons replacing menus as the standard user interface. It has fixed many bugs in the previous version in accessing data files. It should work just fine. Also you may change your CD ROM drive type and SCSI ID right on the user interface thus providing a variety of features to be supported: i.e, having multiple drives/ID playing at the same time. THE FOLLOWING MUST BE PRESENT IN THIS ARCHIVE: (AND KEEP THEM ALL IN THE SAME DIRECTORY) AUD_CD20.ACC AUD_CD20.RSC (Please don't change this file) README.PLZ (THIS FILE) (Please don't change this file) Fill free to upload this program (unregistered only) to any BBS/NETWORK as long as it contains this file (README.PLZ). DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any damage caused by this program to your systems or devices attached to it. You may use this program at your own risk. I will not gaurantee that it would work on your system, nevertheless, it works on my system (ATARI TT030). This program is shareware. If you happen to like it and use it, you are required to pay the shareware fee of only $ 10.00. It is not much, but it surely helps a strugling student survive through the university world. Also as a registered owner, you are advised of any upgrades and also receive the full version. The upgrade has the following features that are not present in this version: 1- Programmable playing of songs, including random playing. Also, it it shall have the ability to display song names and also direct recording from the CD rom via the panel using ST Replay cartridge. In order to receive the registered version, send $12.00 (US) to: NIMA MONTASER P.O.BOX 52127 OTTAWA, ONT. K1N 5S0 CANADA SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: The newly implented feature, TRACK option should work with all CD players, but some other existing features may not work or may require external data file. It is your job to inform me of that. This program should work on any ST/TT with a colour or monochrome monitor in every possible ST/TT resolutions. You also need a CD ROM Drive (no kidding!!) I have tested it on my own CD ROM (SONY CDU541). However this program has the code to play all types of NEC CD ROM drives as well. (it may work on other brands as well). It should work with the CD ROM attached to ACSI/SCSI port of the ST/TT. I have not tested in on the ACSI port of an ST, so I rely on you to give me feed backs!! QUICK INSTALLATION: It is very easy, just place AUD_CD10.ACC in the root directory of your boot disk (with AUDIO_CD.INF, if you happen to have saved one) and restart your system. You will notice there will be slot in the DESK menu taken by 'AUDIO CD PLAYER'. Or you may load it with CHAMELEON or MULTIDESK (not tested). Just make sure you have the following in the same directory,{AUD_CD20.RSC for ST/TT high and TT med. or AUD_CDLO.RSC for ST med&low resolutions}. If you don't have a AUDIO_CD.INF file, you will be asked to choose the ID and drive parameters, and then you can save it using the 'SAVE CONFIG.' button on the interface. If you happen to have neither one of the drives indicated, choose any of them and play around to see if any of the functions work. (if you happen to have the commands for your CD ROM, just follow the rules at the end of this file and make your own data file) In any case, please send me a note stating your test results. TO CHOOSE YOUR ID: For ACSI PORT (TT/ST), use 0-7. (choose ACSI botton) For SCSI PORT (TT), use 0-7 (choose SCSI botton) Make sure you do this. Otherwise it will not work or damage the device attached to it. The Default value is 3 /SCSI. To quit, click on the 'quit' botton or press 'RETURN'. To save the configuration, click on 'SAVE CONFIG' on the user interface. DESCRIPTION OF BUTTONS: You many click on the following bottons: ON LARGE CONTROL PANEL: PLAY: IT WILL START TO PLAY THE CD. PAUSE: IT WILL PAUSE THE AUDIO PLAYING. TO RESUME, CLICK ON PLAY. STOP: IT WILL STOP PLAYING AND UPON RESUMING, IT WILL START FROM THE BEGINING OF THE CD. EJECT: IT WILL EJECT THE CD FROM THE PLAYER (IF YOUR PLAYER IS CAPABLE OF DOING SO. TRACK : It will display you with number of tracks available, and would ask you to enter the track you would like it to play, or press 'cancel' to continue what ever it was doing before. ___ |?| Will give you information regarding this program. --- ___ || will switch between large and small control panel. --- DRIVE TYPE: YOU MAY CHOOSE YOUR DRIVE BRAND. SCSI ID EDITABLE FIELD: CHANGE THE SCSI/ACSI ID OF YOUR DEVICE. SAVE CONGIG: It will save the current drive/ID/data file parameters to a file called AUDIO_CD.INF. Added features to small Control panel: FF will move one track forward. REW will move one track backware. TO GET OUT OF THE PROGRAM, CLICK ON THE CLOSE BOX () ON THE UPPER LEFT SIDE OF THE WINDOW. If you have any questions/comments/suggestions, send them to: NIMA MONTASER P.O.BOX 52127 Ottawa, ONT. K1N 5S0 CANADA TEL (613) 565-8323 GENIE: S.FARSHIDGH ************************************************************** EXAMPLE OF A DATA FILE. *************************************************************** NOTICE: **************************************************************** If you have already made a *.DAT file for version 1.2, you may use the same file if you do the following: - Insert a carriage return after the function letter i.e., 'p' so that the commands would appear on the following line. To understand this better, please read the following: ******************************************************************* RULES: 1- make a file, any file, eg. MITSUMI.DAT with *.DAT for its extension. 2- Use a text editor (i.e. STENO) to add the following text: to add the play command, add these lines to the file:(don't add anything in the brackets, they are just my comments!) p ?? xx xx xx xx xx xx {make sure there is a carriage return [CR] after the function command, and you start the numbers from the begining of the line} {- number of xx is equal to number specified in ?? - ?? is a number in DECIMAL (not HEX) specifying the SCSI command length) - xx is the the commands in DEC, there should be a total of ?? xx's in the line, WOW!! this tough to explain, but really simple} {for example this may be a 'A PLAY COMMAND': p 10 75 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 | | -------------------------- || see, there is only commands specified by the previous number notes: the commands only work if they are in DEC format, if they are in hex, just convert them easily by hand or calculator to dec format. eg. hex=4B ----> dec=75} 3- Follow the same format for the rest of the commands starting on the next line. You can only implement the following: FOR PLAY, enter 'p' in the begining of the line. FOR STOP, use 's', I suggest you use the following command: s 06 01 00 00 00 00 00 For pause, use 'a' For eject, use 'e' Once you are finished, make sure you add 'q' to the end of the file, this tells the program that there is no more commands. Track has not been implemented as a function yet. SO TO RECAP: - make a file using a text editor with the extension *.dat. - add the commands in the form explaind above- - make sure you add 'q' to the end of the file. - load AUD_CD15.ACC, choose "LOAD *.DAT" from drive selection dialog box. - if there is any problems with your file, the program won't run properly, so make sure everything is alright. - and you are off to play your favourite compact disc. IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS, DON'T HESITATE TO DROP MAIL (E OR REGULAR) TO : Nima Montaser P.O. BOX 52127 OTTAWA, ONT. K1N 5S0 CANADA Genie: S.FARSHIDGH If you use this program, you are required to pay the shareware fee of only $ 10.00. You will also receive the full version.