Getting Started Doc 1.1 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Setting up STiK ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ The process of setting stik up has now been greatly reduced thanks to a configuration program written by Guy Harrison. All you have to do is go into the setup folder and run the setup.prg you are guided through process of setting STiK up. If you would prefer to do it yourself and already have the scripts etc made just go into the stik folder and replace the old versions of your files with the new ones. With the new version of stik comes a stiktsr.prg which you need to put in your auto folder if you had previously installed jar10.prg for use with stik you wont need this anymore. If however you are using STiK on a Falcon you will still need to install some sort of Bconmap() either install the FPATCH2.PRG (supplied in the FPATCH Folder inside the stik folder) or use the best serial port patch available HSMODEM which also solves this problem as well as replacing all of the inefficient atari serial port code with something a little better. *NOTE* If your using stik for the first time read the following before continuing, If however you have stik up and running scip onto the next section. To setup STiK for use with your internet provider you will need the following information. The best way to find out is to email them or phone them up about it that way you get all of the answers you need and your setup time will be greatly reduced. - Firstly verify that your account is SLIP account NOT as CSLIP or PPP account. - Secondly If you have a FIXED client ip address or a DYNAMICALLY allocated one (your provider should know what your talking about). - You next need to know you USERNAME and HOST name these together usually make up your email address. Im my Case my email address is so my username is Nick and the host name is - The next thing you need from your provider is the ip address of its DNS server (also called nameserver or domain name server) this needs to be in dotted decimal form it should look something like (the actual numbers are its address on the net). - The hard bit comes now you have to gather information to make a dial script the best way is to now log onto your internet provider with a comms package noting down what information it prompts you for and what you have to reply to it to get a SLIP login the dial script will eventually search for the prompts and enter your details automatically but to know when you need to enter the information you will have to do a trial like this. If you have an DYNAMIC client ip address you will also have to note something else down on the login. once you have logged in and the slip session is about to start there should be something printed on screen saying something like your ip address is (numbers are unimportant in this case) you will need to know the text string printed before the ip address to setup stik. I have included an example dial capture below and commented it so this process should become clearer. You will need this information if you want to use the configuration program or edit the files by hand so you must understand it. CONNECT 28800/ARQ/VFC/LAPM/V42BIS - The first prompt I get is for my login name with the prompt login: I enter flinny login: flinny - Next I get asked for my Password: I enter my password but it isn't shown to my for security reasons Password: - Next I am asked what Protocol: I want to use we need slip for stik so I enter slip Protocol: slip - The text below is then printed on the screen if I need a dynamic ip address I would write the IP Address: into a find line in the dial.scr or in the config program the response would be (either RESP in the dial.scr or the config program) $GET_IP this grabs your ip address and stik then uses it to get you online. flinny: IP Address: Running SLIP on 20218 news on two servers, newsfeed restored. Password Changes available. Finger status@gate for more information. Last change: 20:10 29 Mar HELLO - Thats it really everything else you need is down to specific hardware like the modem port(serial 1 on st serial 2 on Falcon) and baud rate (19200 is the max on an unmodified st whilst the Falcon can go much higher) If your still having problems getting stik to work with your provider after reading this and all of the help available in the setup program then mail me and I will see If I can sort the problem out for you. If you do mail me send my in a uuencoded archive all of the information I asked for above (including the captured dial up) and I will see what I can do. Setting up Cab for use with STiK ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ If you want to use Cab with STiK you will need to copy the new cab.ovl file from its folder into you cab folder before it will work. To do this make a folder to act as your cache folder anywhere on your hard drive call it CACHE or WWWCACHE then load CAB.APP once cab has loaded select the menu called "Options" and the option on that menu called "Paths". Click on the path which is already in the box marked "Cache Path" and point the file selector which will appear into the folder you have created and then click on OK on the File selector. Save your options now so you dont forget! Lastly Cab is supplied so that its German resource file is used by default if you want all the menus to be in English or French delete the cab.rsc file in the cab folder and copy the relevant rsc file from the cab/rsc folder (cab_e.rsc for English cab_f.rsc for French) into the main folder and rename it to cab.rsc. Problems/bugs/Email Addresses ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ If you are having any problems with anything one of the people below should be able to help. * Dan Ackerman - Stik/cab.ovl * Alexander Clauss - Cab * Guy Harrison - Stik config program * Joe Connor - Interactive Shareware support/beta tester * Danny Bhabuta - Cyberstrider Shareware support/beta tester * Nicholas Flintham - Beta tester co-ordinator :-) STiK/cab.ovl Any new updates to stik programs should be on my web page and probably other places I Frequent :-) Http:// Below is a list of other people who have helped get this new package together and out, thanks guys :) Adrian Samm Andrew Rose Frank Charlton Michael Guse Maarten van den Berg Paul Womar Rob Withoff Steph Taylor Tony Greenwood Gone :( Tim Newsome Tim Putnam Also Steve Adam who still isn't back on the net :( Have fun, Flinny 26/03/96