**************************************************************** * * * GSPLP GEM Spooler Line Printer * * * * (c) Marc Billiet, Steven Van Rossen March 1995 * * * **************************************************************** The GSPLP.APP program makes it possible to send files to GEM Spooler for printing. This is especially useful when printing ASCII files. NEWDESK users (NEWDESK is the new Atari desktop) can drag GSPLP.APP to the desktop and can give it a printer icon. Everything that is dropped upon this icon will be sent to the spooler queue. Under MultiTOS GSPLP.APP can replace the LPR.APP program. Make sure your GEM.CNF has the following line in it (or change the name LPR.APP to GSPLP.APP if you have already a SHPRINT definition in your GEM.CNF file): SHPRINT=C:\MULTITOS\GSPLP.APP If your MULTITOS folder is located elsewhere, you have to adapt the path appropriately. Reboot you computer to make the changes take effect. If you now select the desktop 'Print' option or if you drop files on the desktop printer icon, the files will appear in GEM spooler's print queue. Steven Van Rossen, March 1995