"The Atari A to Z" by Mark S Baines Copyright (c) 1998 Mark S Baines All Rights Reserved YOU MUST READ "READ_ME.NOW" BEFORE YOU LOOK AT ANY OF THIS FILE ***************************************************************************** N n Nano. NAK Negative AcKnowledge. A transmission control character sent by a receiving station to a sending station indicating that an error has been detected and requesting the retransmission of that message block. Name An alphanumeric string that identifies a program, file, variable, array, storage location, device, user etc. The first character is nearly always a letter. Nano - n Prefix indicating one billionth (10^-9). National characters Those characters in the ISO-7 character set that have national meaning, e.g. œ or ”. National LMC1992 National LMC1992 Volume/Tone Controller chip in the STE, TT and Falcon used to provide volume and tone control of the stereo DMA sound production. Natural language A language, such as English or Urdu that is not artificial, such as a programming language. NCR5380 The SCSI controller chip in the Mega STE and TT connected to the 25-pin SCSI port (although the full 50-pin cabling is used internally). The NCR5380 is used in 8-bit asynchronous data transfer with a rate of up to 4 Mb per second. Near letter quality - NLQ A term applied to a dot matrix printer's ability to produce a type quality close to that of a typewriter. If you can see the dots, it's NLQ as opposed to letter quality. See LQ. Needle Also pin, stylus or wire. An element of a print head that places dots onto paper to form dot matrix characters in an impact matrix printer. Negation To change a numeric value from positive to negative or vice versa. Also, to change all the 1-bits to 0-bits and vice versa in a binary number. Negative A numeric value less than zero, such as -5. Also, in an electrical circuit, the position from which electrons flow towards the positive terminal. Negative acknowledgment See NAK. NeST NEtwork ST. The largest worldwide bulletin board system network based in the UK which caters specifically for the Atari range of computers, although some conferences are more general. Nested loop A program loop that is initiated by an instruction in another loop. Nested routine A routine included within another and usually external to the program. Nesting The process of including an item of separate identity within another item of the same type. Also, the programming operation of specifying a separately compiled sequence of instructions that will be executed within the main sequence of instructions. Net Also network. A data structure that supports multiple access paths and in which the entities need not be in a hierarchical relationship, such as a linked list. Network An organization of telecommunications lines, equipment and control structures that provides a data communications service for geographically separated locations. Stations or terminals may be linked directly by cable within a small group of buildings forming a Local Area Network (LAN) or indirectly via the telephone system forming a Wide Area Network (WAN). Network address A character group identifier of a data network station or node. NewDesk The GEM Desktop introduced with TOS 2.0 and TOS 3.0 utilizing some of the ideas found in the NeoDesk Desktop replacement. Important changes include file icons which can be placed on the Desktop, user configurable keystrokes to control the Desktop functions, control of window, text and icon colours, separate .INF files, a printer icon, user-defined icons, programs assigned to Function keys for quick launching, maximum number of windows increased to seven, a 'no sort' directory listing, a file name search facility and GEM Takes Parameter (.GTP) program support. The NewDesk Desktop also forms the default shell for MultiTOS. NEWDESK.INF A file that holds the customized Desktop data for TOS 2, 3 and 4 created by selecting the "Save Desktop" menu option and read at boot-up from the root directory. It contains the settings as made with the Control Panel accessory as well as the default window and icon positions, icon labels, the recognized executable file extenders and installed applications. The maximum size of the NEWDESK.INF file is 4,192 bytes for AES versions 1.4-3.40. For AES 4 and over the size is unlimited. Table N1: A Typical NEWDESK.INF File #b001100 #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507702011501 #d #K 4F 53 00 1F 46 51 57 23 41 4D 00 49 54 4E 44 5A 59 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 52 43 56 00 23 00 @ #E 98 13 00 04 00 FA 00 00 00 00 #Q 41 00 43 00 43 00 #S 00 09 #W 00 00 00 04 27 14 00 C:\MULTITOS\*.*@ #W 00 00 00 07 1F 0F 00 @ #W 00 00 16 08 25 0B 00 @ #W 00 00 14 0E 1D 14 00 @ #W 00 00 28 04 1F 10 00 @ #W 00 00 12 09 15 09 00 @ #W 00 00 12 09 15 09 00 @ #W 00 00 12 09 15 09 00 @ #N FF 04 000 @ *.*@ @ #D FF 01 000 @ *.*@ @ #G 03 FF 000 *.APP@ @ @ #G 03 FF 000 *.PRG@ @ @ #F 03 04 000 *.TOS@ @ @ #P 03 04 000 *.TTP@ @ @ #Y 03 04 000 *.GTP@ @ @ #A 03 04 000 *.ACC@ @ @ #D 27 27 000 @ MULTITOS@ @ #I 1D 1D 000 @ GEM.CNF@ @ #G 03 04 10A C:\MINT\MW.PRG@ *.@ Console@ #G 03 04 104 C:\SBOOT\SUPER_CS.PRG@ *.@ @ #G 03 04 000 C:\UTILS\PROFILE2.PRG@ *.@ @ 00080000 #G 03 04 001 E:\LC5\LC5.PRG@ *.C@ @ #M 01 00 9A FF I RAM Disk@ @ #M 07 00 25 FF H Graphics@ @ #M 06 00 25 FF G Comms@ @ #M 05 00 25 FF F Databases@ @ #M 04 00 25 FF E Languages@ @ #M 03 00 25 FF D Text@ @ #M 00 00 09 FF A Floppy Disk@ @ #M 02 00 25 FF C Utilities@ @ #C 07 02 19 FF c Back Pack@ @ #T 07 07 28 FF Rubbish!@ @ #O 07 05 05 FF LJ4P@ @ #V 07 04 27 FF C:\MINT\*.*@ MiNT@ #M 07 03 07 FF U DEVICE@ @ #X 07 06 50 FF C:\SBOOT\SUPER_CS.PRG@ SuperbootCFG@ #X 04 07 B4 FF E:\LC5\LC5.PRG@ Lattice C@ #X 05 07 85 FF G:\POINT\LED.PRG@ LED@ #X 06 07 1C FF D:\ED.PRG@ Editor@ NEWDESK.INF breakdown These settings are made from the Desktop menu items. The XCONTROL control panel does not save its settings to the NEWDESK.INF file unlike the older CONTROL.ACC. If you want to alter those values stored in the first three lines of the NEWDESK.INF file and make them permanent then you must install CONTROL.ACC to make the change and then save the Desktop. The NEWDESK.INF file is in ASCII format and can be edited with an editor or with a word processor in ASCII or program mode. Note that @ characters are end of field and end of line delimiters. Where there are duplicate lines, the last one takes precedence. Table N2: NEWDESK.INF Breakdown #a060001 RS-232 Configuration Format: #a123456 Item Setting Value meaning 1 Duplex 0 = full duplex 1 = half duplex 2 Baud rate 0 = 9600 bps 1 = 4800 bps 2 = 1200 bps 3 = 300 bps 4 = 19200 bps 5 = 3600 bps 6 = 2400 bps 7 = 2000 bps 8 = 1800 bps 9 = 600 bps : = 200 bps ; = 150 bps < = 134 bps = = 110 bps > = 75 bps ? = 50 bps 3 Parity 0 = none 1 = odd 2 = even 4 Word length 0 = 8 bits 1 = 7 bits 2 = 6 bits 3 = 5 bits 5 Protocol 0 = none 1 = XON/XOFF 2 = RTS/CTS 3 = XON/XOFF & RTS/CTS 6 Strip bit 0 = yes 1 = no #b001100 Printer configuration Format: #b123456 Item Setting Value meaning 1 Printer type 0 = dot matrix 1 = daisywheel 2 Colour 0 = black and white 1 = colour 3 Dot density 0 = 1,280 dpi 1 = 960 dpi 4 Quality 0 = draft 1 = NLQ 5 Output port 0 = printer port 1 = modem port 6 Paper type 0 = continuous 1 = single sheet #c7770007000600070055200505552220770557075055507702011501 Palette, mouse, keyboard Format: #c111...1112345566 Item Setting Value meaning 111...111 16 colour values Three numbers, one for each RGB value in range 000-??? where the range includes 000-999 and 10 = ':' 11 = ';' 12 = '<' 13 = '=' 14 = '>' and 15 = '?' 2 Double click speed 0-4 3 Keyboard click 0 = off 1 = on 4 Warning bell 0 = off 1 = on 55 Auto-repeat delay 1 (low)-46 (high) 66 Auto-repeat speed 1 (low)-21 (high) #d Not used. May be omitted or used for comments but must contain 46 spaces or no more than 46 characters for comments. #Z 01 C:\STARTPRG.PRG@ GEM Auto-booting program (.PRG or .APP) for TOS 1.4 and later Format: #Z 11 filespec Item Setting Value meaning 11 Program type 00 = .TOS or .TTP 01 = GEM (.PRG or .APP) filespec Auto-boot program Path and file name of GEM program to auto-load at boot-up #K 4F 53 00 1F 46 51 57 23 41 4D 00 49 54 4E 44 5A 59 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 52 43 56 00 23 00 @ Desktop configuration, keystroke assignments There are 30 or 31 Desktop functions (depending on the TOS version), each of which can be assigned a key. Each number in this line is the hexadecimal ASCII code of the character assigned to each function in the order that they appear in the Desktop menus and the "Desktop Configuration" menu item. A value of 00 indicates no assignment. If two numbers are the same, the first one takes precedence. Some other characters not available from the keyboard also work, for example the "Delete Item..." the key combination [Cntl- Delete] could be used which gives ASCII character 31 or $1F. #E 98 13 00 04 00 FA 00 00 00 00 Directory window display and miscellaneous Format: #E 11 23 44 55 66 77 88 99 AA BB Item Bit Setting Value meaning 11 0 File overwrite 0 = yes 1 = no 1, 2 Not used 0 3 Confirm copy 0 = no 1 = yes 4 Confirm deletes 0 = no 1 = yes 5, 6 Sort by 00 = name 01 = date 10 = size 11 = type 7 Display type 0 = icons 1 = text 2 BLiTTER 0 = off 1 = on 3 Resolution 1 = ST low 2 = ST medium 3 = ST high 4 = TT medium 5 = Falcon 6 = TT high 7 = TT low 44 Not used Always 00? 55 0 Sort by 0 = as above 1 = No sort 1 Cache 0 = off 1 = on 2 Size to fit 0 = no 1 = yes 3 Set default directory 0 = Top window 1 = Application 4 Set input parameter 0 = File name only 1 = Full path 5, 6, 7 Not used 0 66 0 Video vertical flag 1 = Interlace/line doubling mode on 0 = Interlace/line doubling mode off Others Not used 0 77 0, 1, 2 Video bits per pixel 000 = 1 bit per pixel, 2 colours 001 = 2 bits per pixel, 4 colours 010 = 4 bits per pixel, 16 colours 011 = 8 bits per pixel, 256 colours 100 = 16 bits per pixel, true-colour 3 Video 80 column flag 0 = 40 columns 1 = 80 columns 4 Video VGA flag 0 = TV mode 1 = VGA mode 5 Video PAL flag 0 = NTSC mode 1 = PAL mode 6 Video overscan flag 0 = off 1 = on 7 Video ST compatibility 0 = off 1 = on 88 Not used Always 00? 99 Not used Always 00? AA Not used Always 00? BB Not used Always 00? #Q 41 00 43 00 43 00 Desktop and windows colour and style Format: #Q 12 34 56 78 9A BC Item Setting Value meaning 1 High resolution Desktop style 0-7 one of eight patterns 2 High resolution Desktop colour 0-1 one of two colours 3 High resolution Window background style 0-7 one of eight patterns 4 High resolution Window background colour 0-1 one of two colours 5 Medium resolution Desktop style 0-7 one of eight patterns 6 Medium resolution Desktop colour 0-4 one of four colours 7 Medium resolution Window background style 0-7 one of eight patterns 8 Medium resolution Window background colour 0-4 one of four colours 9 Low resolution Desktop style 0-7 one of eight patterns A Low resolution Desktop colour 0-F one of sixteen colours B Low resolution Window background style 0-7 one of eight patterns C Low resolution Window background colour 0-F one of sixteen colours #S 00 09 Directory window font and point size (AES 4.0 and later) Format: #S 11 22 Item Setting Value meaning 11 Font number Number (in hex) of font in installed GDOS font list Only monospaced SpeedoGDOS fonts work properly 22 Point size Any value in hex although 8, 9 or 10 is best #W 00 00 00 04 27 14 00 C:\MULTITOS\*.*@ #W 00 00 00 07 1F 0F 00 @ Directory window settings - seven maximum except TOS 4 Format: #W 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 filespec Item Setting Value meaning 11 Slider horizontal position Column number 22 Slider vertical position Row number 33 Top left corner X-position Column number 44 Top left corner Y-position Row number 55 Window width In columns 66 Window height In rows 77 Window ID Always 00 which differs from DESKTOP.INF filespec File select mask Any length to accommodate filespec e.g. all files in C:\MULTITOS folder #N FF 04 000 @ *.*@ @ Directory window, document file default icons Format: #N 11 22 345 filespec Item Setting Value meaning 11 Not used Always FF 22 Icon type 0-FF The icon number in hex from the DESKICON.RSC file 3 Default directory and Always 0 Input parameter 4 Not used Always 0 5 Function key Always 0 filespec Displayed filespec Any file name or wildcards e.g. the example above is the default for all document files but #N FF 02 000 @ *.BAK@ @ will display all *.BAK files as trash cans. By default and initially, displays ALL files as documents icons. This is modified with the following entries. In practice, it sets all document files as document icons. #D FF 01 000 @ *.*@ @ #D 27 27 000 @ MULTITOS@ @ Directory window, directory/folder icons Format: #D 11 22 345 filespec Item Setting Value meaning 11 Application icon type 0-FF The icon number in hex from the DESKICON.RSC file FF no icon 22 Parameters icon type 0-FF The icon number in hex from the DESKICON.RSC file FF no icon 3 Default directory and Always 0 Input parameter 4 Not used Always 0 5 Function key Always 0 filespec Folder file name Any file name or wildcards e.g. the first example above is the default for folders and the second assigns icon 27 to the MULTITOS folder. #D FF 02 000 @ SCRAP.*@ @ will display SCRAP folder as a trash can. By default, sets all directory icons to the same folder icon. #G 03 FF 000 *.APP@ @ #G 03 FF 000 *.PRG@ @ @ #G 03 04 010 G:\CIX\CIXCOMM.PRG@ *.@ @ #G 03 04 001 E:\LC5\LC5.PRG@ *.C@ @ 00160000 GEM program (.PRG or .APP) installed application Format: #G 11 22 345 filespec1 filespec2 argument bytes Item Setting Value meaning 11 Application icon type 0-FF The icon number in hex from the DESKICON.RSC file 22 Parameters icon type 0-FF The icon number in hex from the DESKICON.RSC file FF no icon 3 Default directory and Input parameter 0 = Top Window/File name 1 = Application/File name 2 = Top Window/Full path 3 = Application/Full path 45 Function key The function key number in hex from 1- 14, function key [F1] to [F20] (shift [F1] to [F10]). 0 = none assigned filespec1 Application file name Full path name filespec2 Parameter file name Extender of file passed to application argument Argument Argument passed to application, maximum 11 characters bytes Memory Amount of memory in bytes (in hex) allocated to program. No value means unlimited memory. Installed applications are placed here so that the example above will give LC5.PRG a program icon, all *.C files will have document icons and double clicking on a *.C file starts up LC5.PRG and loads that file into it. LC5.PRG is assigned to Function key [F1] and no arguments are passed to it. By default, displays all files with .APP and .PRG extenders as program icons and files are not passed to them, hence the FF. #F 03 04 000 *.TOS@ @ @ .TOS file installed application Same format as for GEM program installed application. By default, displays all files with .TOS extenders as program icons and all files passed to them as documents. #P 03 04 000 *.TTP@ @ @ .TTP file installed application Same format as for GEM program installed application. By default, displays all files with .TTP extenders as program icons and all files passed to them as documents. #Y 03 04 000 *.GTP@ @ @ .GTP file installed application Same format as for GEM program installed application. By default, displays all files with .GTP extenders as program icons and all files passed to them as documents. #A 03 04 000 *.ACC@ @ @ .ACC file installed application Same format as for GEM program installed application. By default, displays all files with .ACC extenders as program icons and all files passed to them as documents. #I 1D 1D 000 @ GEM.CNF@ @ Directory window, file icons Format: #I 11 22 345 filespec Item Setting Value meaning 11 Application icon type 0-FF The icon number in hex from the DESKICON.RSC file FF no icon 22 Parameters icon type 0-FF The icon number in hex from the DESKICON.RSC file FF no icon 3 Not used Always 0 4 Not used Always 0 5 Not used Always 0 filespec File name File to be assigned the icon #M 01 00 9A FF I RAM Disk@ @ #M 00 00 09 FF A Floppy Disk@ @ #M 02 00 25 FF C Utilities@ @ #M 07 03 07 FF U DEVICE@ @ Desktop, disk drive icons Format: #M 11 22 33 44 5 label Item Setting Value meaning 11 Column position 0-7 22 Row position 0-7 33 Icon type 0-FF The icon number in hex from the DESKICON.RSC file 44 Not used Always FF 5 Disk drive ID A:-Z: label Icon label Up to 12 characters #C 07 02 19 FF c Back Pack@ @ Cartridge port icon Same as for #M but 'c' used as drive ID. #T 07 07 28 FF Rubbish!@ @ Trash can icon Same as for #M but no 'drive' ID. #O 07 05 05 FF LJ4P@ @ Printer icon Same as for #M but no 'drive' ID. #X 04 07 B4 FF E:\LC5\LC5.PRG@ Lattice C@ #X 05 07 85 FF G:\POINT\LED.PRG@ LED@ Desktop, application files icons Format: #X 11 22 33 44 filespec label Item Setting Value meaning 11 Column position 0-7 22 Row position 0-7 33 Icon type 0-FF The icon number in hex from the DESKICON.RSC file 44 Not used Always FF filespec Application file name Full path name of application label Icon label Up to 12 characters #V 07 04 27 FF C:\MINT\*.*@ MiNT@ Desktop, folder icons Format: #V 11 22 33 44 filespec label Item Setting Value meaning 11 Column position 0-7 22 Row position 0-7 33 Icon type 0-FF The icon number in hex from the DESKICON.RSC file 44 Not used Always FF filespec Folder file name Path name of folder with file mask label Icon label Up to 12 characters Newline The movement of the printing position or VDU cursor to the start of the next line. Sometimes equivalent to the carriage return and/or line feed characters depending on the system. Newsgroup A USENET discussion forum which contains public messages disseminated around the world via the USENET system. Each newsgroup is specific to a particular discussion topic there being over 8,000 such topics including the alternative ones. The USENET is made up of seven newsgroups arranged hierarchically with the broadest grouping being the first part of their name followed by the subgroups which are separated by 'full stops'. So, the newsgroup comp.sys.atari.st belongs to the major 'computer science' discussion group and the subgroups 'systems', 'atari' and 'st'. Table N3: USENET Newsgroups comp Computer science - anything related to computers news News network - groups concerned with USENET rec Recreational - hobbies, arts, any recreational activity sci Science - sciences and their application soc Social - social issues, politics talk Talk - debate and argue controversial unresolved issues misc Miscellaneous - anything else that doesn't fit the above A number of USENET-independent newsgroups - the Alternative Newsgroups - exist which have the look and feel of USENET newsgroups and are often referred to as such. The most common alternative newsgroups are: Table N4: Alternative Newsgroups alt Alternative - anything bizarre and different bionet Biology network bit Bitnet listserv discussions groups biz Business - announcements not allowed elsewhere de Newsgroups in German fj Newsgroups in Japanese gnu Free Software Foundation's GNU project Some countries, universities and states also have their own newsgroups as well as some commercial information services, such as United Press International which have the Clarinet newsgroups. See USENET. Nibble Correctly spelled 'nybble'. Half a byte, i.e. four bits. See Nybble and Nybble mode. NLQ Near Letter Quality. NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt. A signal from external hardware devices that causes a microprocessor to halt its present task and divert to a special interrupt service routine which looks after the external device. Once that routine is finished, control returns to the original interrupted task. See IRQ and Exception. NNRC Network News Reading Protocol. A subset of NNTP setting the standards for USENET newsreaders which are programs used to read and respond to newsgroups articles. NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol. The transfer protocol used to transmit USENET newsgroup articles between systems on the Internet. NOC Network Operations Centre. A centre which is responsible for the day-to-day care and running of a network on the Internet. Node A termination or interchange point in a data network, such as a terminal or bulletin board computer. Also, in a net data structure, an entity on two or more access paths. Noise Any detectable electrical events on a communications link that were not intentionally placed there by the sending station. Such noise may be incorrectly interpreted causing errors in data transmission. If the noise consists of random frequencies then it is called white noise. A distinctive clicking or crackling sound, such as on a telephone line, is called black noise. Non-contiguous Not connected or adjacent but separated. Non-impact printer A printer that operates by a method other than striking a type face or pin against a ribbon and paper, such as a laser or inkjet printer. Non-impact printers are by their nature quiet and generally faster than impact printers. Non-printable character A character which has no visual form on paper or screen, such as a control character. Non-recoverable error An error that results in loss of data, such as writing over data on a disk or requires the re-booting of the computer. Nonresident Not in main memory. Non-volatile memory Memory that can retain its data in the absence of an electrical current, such as ROM. It may also apply to a RAM semiconductor with a battery power source. No operation instruction - NOP An instruction that does nothing except cause the next instruction to be executed. Normal distribution The usual distribution of randomly occurring events or values, such as the heights of adults. When plotted, its graph is characterized by a bell shape. Normalization The process of adjusting the representation of the exponent and fractional parts of a floating point number so that the fractional part has a radix point position that is standard to the system. For instance, normalizing 65,397 to a single integer as 6.5397 x 10^4. Normal text Text displayed without any attributes such as bold or italics etc. NOS Network Operating System. A series of systems programs that enable a network server computer to communicate with several other computers and peripheral devices in a network, such as Novell's NetWare on the IBM PC compatibles. NOT A unary logic operation with an output that is 'true' if the single input is 'false' and vice versa. See Negation. NSFNET National Science Foundation NETwork. A collection of networks of different sizes in the US tied together by a high-speed backbone. It provides educational users with access to a number of supercomputers. NTP Network Time Protocol. The protocol used to synchronize the time between different systems on a network. NTSC National Television Standard Committee. The TV system used in the US being different to the European PAL system. It is sometimes interpreted, unkindly, as meaning 'Never Twice the Same Colour'. NUL NULl. ASCII character number 0 (consisting of 0-bits in all bit positions and not a zero character which is ASCII 48) considered to be a control character or format effector that can be inserted into a sequence of characters without changing their meaning or interpretation. In the C language, strings are expected to be terminated with a NUL character. Null A term indicating the absence of a signal, element or value. A gap that may have some media-related significance but which can be ignored in the interpretation of data. Null modem A cable or dumb device to link two computers together for bidirectional serial communication in place of modems. The cable or device has no processing capability. Number A digit or digit string that represents a value, quantity or relationship. Number crunching An informal term denoting the processing of numerical data, such as in a spreadsheet. Numeral A decimal digit. Also, a single-element or group representation of a number, such as a binary digit, 'XII' or 'K'. Numeration system A set of symbols and rules for representing numbers. Most systems have positional representation where each digit has a weight which are multiplier values depending on their digit position in relation to others. The difference between the weights in adjacent digit positions is the radix. So, in the decimal number 123, 1 has a weight of 100, 2 has a weight of 10 and 3 has the weight of 1, the radix being ten. In the binary system the radix is two and so in the binary number %110, the first 1 has a decimal weight of 4, the second 1 has a decimal weight of 2 and the last digit a weight of 1, therefore making %110 equal to decimal 6. Numeric Consisting of digits or numbers only, not alphabetic or alphanumeric. Numeric keypad A group of keys each of which represents a decimal digit, such as a push- button telephone or on computer keyboards. Numerical analysis The use of mathematics to study real-world conditions and systems. Numerical control The control of a manufacturing operation, such as cutting, in an automatic mode by means of coded instructions in numeric form. Numerical order Numeric items arranged in an ascending or descending order that corresponds to their relative values. NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory. RAM that has its contents maintained by the power from a small battery installed on the circuit board which takes over when the mains power is switched off. The Real-Time Clock chip maintains its value on the Mega ST, TT and Falcon with NVRAM. On the TT and Falcon other values are stored within the 50 bytes of memory, such as the keyboard and nationality configuration (same as the _AKP cookie), the date and time format information (same as the _IDT cookie), the Falcon screen mode and the hard disk spin-up delay value. Nybble Half a byte, i.e. four bits. Nybble mode See Burst mode. N 63 entries EOF