"The Atari A to Z" by Mark S Baines Copyright (c) 1998 Mark S Baines All Rights Reserved YOU MUST READ "READ_ME.NOW" BEFORE YOU LOOK AT ANY OF THIS FILE ***************************************************************************** P p Pico. Prefix meaning a trillionth (10^-12). Pack To reduce the storage space of a file by data compression techniques, such as in ARC and LHARC (.LZH) files. Package A group of related items sold at a single, all-inclusive price. Also, the enclosure and terminal arrangement of a semiconductor device. Packet A unit of data with routing and control characters intended to be transmitted as a unit, especially in a packet switching system. That packet may consist of many messages from one particular node to others in the network. Packet assembly/disassembly facilities - PAD The facilities of a packet switching system that provide for the connection of modems and computers. Packet switching system - PSS A data network in which users communicate by means of packets of data of standard format routed by linked exchanges and PADs and using high-speed telephone circuits. Padding A process of adding pad characters (usually a nul character) to data items or storage locations often to bring it up to some predetermined length. Page A sheet of continuous stationery or a single side of a sheet of paper. Also, the data displayed at one time on a display screen. In some operating systems, a fixed number of bytes that is identifiable as a unit, a standard unit of storage in a virtual storage system. Page description language - PDL See PDL. Page printer A printer capable of printing an entire page in one pass, such as a laser printer. Paging The operation of swapping pages of memory between primary and secondary storage, such as between RAM and disk or between primary RAM and extended RAM not directly addressable by the CPU i.e. the memory over 640 K in PC-ATs. Painting program A program that enables a user to produce a picture on the screen usually with the aid of a mouse and certain software tools, such as pen, brush, air-brush, fill, line, box etc. The resulting picture is a bitmap image where individual pixels are individually turned on or off or in one of many different colour states. Such an image has all the disadvantages of bitmap images compared to vector graphics used in drawing programs. See Bitmap image, Drawing programs, Vector image, GEM metafile. PAL Phase Alternating Line. The television standard used in the UK and most of Europe. See NTSC. PAL Programmable Array Logic. A complex logic integrated circuit which, with the aid of development software and a PAL programming device, a hardware programmer can turn into a custom logic integrated circuit for a specific task. One such device can replace a large number of conventional 74 or 4000 series logic chips thus decreasing production costs. The construction of a PAL offers less flexibility than a PLA but they are generally faster in operation. The Atari custom chips such as the GLUE, MMU etc. are PALs. Paperless office The future that never happened, where all records are held in computer- readable form, inputs and outputs are all electronic and all operations performed by computers. Paper was to be redundant, whereas in practice it has never been used - and wasted - so much. Parallel Independent operations performed simultaneously or within the same time period. Parallel computer A computer with multiple processors and the capability of parallel processing. Parallel port A device port capable of transmitting eight bits of data simultaneously. Often used for connection to a printer. See Printer port. Parallel processing Where a unit of processing is divided into smaller units all of which are executed at the same time using multiple sets of facilities, such as processors, RAM, I/O channels etc. Parallel transfer A bit-parallel transfer, the simultaneous transfer of all the bits of a word, such as from RAM to the CPU. Parameter An input value used to determine how processing is to be performed or the results produced. It can be inputted by a programmer, a user, by the operating system or by a program. Atari .TTP programs are designed to take parameters entered by the user to affect their mode of operation. For instance, in the LHARC file compression program the parameters -x archive.lzh will cause the program to extract all the files from the file archive.lzh and perform no other operations. Parent The previous generation of a file. Also, a GEM resource file object that contains others within its bounds. Parity A system of detecting errors in data transmissions that consists of selectively adding a 1-bit to bit-patterns so that the bit-pattern has an odd number of 1-bits (odd parity) or an even number (even parity). The receiving hardware checks the number of 1-bits and indicates an error if a pattern with an even number of 1-bits is found in an odd parity system and vice versa. This system is increasingly becoming redundant because of its poor accuracy over high-speed and noisy lines and the introduction of better methods. Parity bit A 1-bit used in parity checking. Parity check A redundancy check in a parity system. See Parity. Parking To move the read/write heads of a hard disk drive off the formatted used surface of the disks to an unused part, usually at the outer edge. This can be achieved either by software and a user command, or more usually, automatically when the drive is switched off. The distance between a head and the surface of the disk is extremely small and any shocks and vibrations could hit that head against the surface, damaging it and corrupting the data stored there. As this is likely to happen when the hard disk is switched off and in transport, a facility to move the heads away from the disk surface is mandatory. Parsing The compiler operation of breaking down instructions into their individual elements and identifying them in terms of the programming language for their legality. This process also occurs when passing parameters to programs. Partition An operating system boundary within large storage media separating it into smaller units often with different purposes, priorities or access rights, such as dividing a large hard disk into separate virtual disks. The unit of storage itself is frequently called a partition. Pascal A structured high-level language, often used in educational establishments. Pass One cycle of a multi-cycle operation, such as in a two-pass compilation. Password A group of characters associated with a unit of code, data or facilities in a system, giving access to them. A program or, more usually, a user must provide an identical string of characters in order to be allowed access. Patch A small section of program code inserted into a previously written and compiled sequence to make an alteration to or correct an error in it. Path That which carries data or signals between two locations, a line, circuit, channel, link, bus, highway or cable. Also, a sequence used to locate particular data in a data structure, such as a tree. Such a tree may be the hierarchical data structure of a disk's directory contents. Also, the route between a sending and a receiving station as defined by the nodes through which a message or data packet must pass in a communications network. Path name A list of items used to locate files in a hierarchical filing system. It consists of a disk identifier and a string of folders separated by backslashes and may contain a filespec, such as D:\PROTEXT\DOCS\*.* which points to all the files in the DOCS subdirectory within the PROTEXT directory on the disk drive D:. PC Personal Computer. The first IBM series of desktop computers running under PC- DOS launched in 1981. The term is practically synonymous for any microcomputer although it most commonly denotes any of the IBM PC compatible family of desktop computers running under the MS-DOS (or compatible) operating system. PC Program Counter. The current address register of a processor. PCB Printed Circuit Board. PC-DOS The original operating system for IBM's PC, later released by Microsoft as MS- DOS for IBM PC clones. PCL Printer Control Language. A system devised by Hewlett-Packard to control the output of laser printers and generally considered a standard. PCM Pulse Code Modulation. A method of modulation and multiplexing in which an analogue wave is transmitted by means of digital bit-patterns, each of which represents the amplitude of the wave at a particular sampling point in time. The type of sound system introduced on the STE uses this method with an 8-bit sampling rate, each byte representing one of 256 (-128 to +128) different amplitude levels. See DMA sound. PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Association. A committee responsible for the standard format for the large capacity, credit card-sized plug-in memories that are used with some portable computers. Such cards were to be used on the Atari Stylus. PD Public Domain. PDL Page Description Language or Page Definition Language. A system of controlling a printer where the details of the whole page image is written in ASCII text and sent to the printer before printing starts and where the printer's processor performs the necessary operations to translate the data into a bitmapped image for printing. PostScript is the most common PDL. Performance A term used to indicate both speed and reliability. Peripheral A separate functional unit that makes and/or receives data transfers with initiation by the CPU. Usually storage and I/O devices, such as printers. Personal computer A small, inexpensive microprocessor-based computer designed for desktop business use or for the home and hobbyist. Personal computers are rapidly replacing dumb terminals in multi-user networks run on mini and mainframes. Although the specification for a personal computer changes rapidly, they invariably have a keyboard and monitor, disk drive storage and at least 512 K to 1 Mb of RAM. The microprocessors are usually of the Intel 80x86 or Motorola 680x0 series, the most common operating system being MS-DOS. PGA Pin Grid Array. An integrated circuit package where the pins for connection to the circuit board are arranged in a grid pattern underneath the square chip package. Such an arrangement is necessary because of the increasing number of pins required for modern chips, such as the Intel 80486DX which has 162 pins. Phase The time relationship between two waves (assumed to be sine waves) of the same frequency. If the two waves go from positive and negative and back again in the same time they are said to be 'in phase'. If they do not go through their cycles concurrently they are 'out of phase' and the amount they are out is measured in degrees. Phase locked A term applied to a device or operation that obtains its timing from input signals and which incorporates a feedback circuit to maintain synchronization. Phase locked loop - PLL See Phase locked. Phase shift modulation A method of modulation in which data is transmitted as different amounts of change of phase of a carrier wave. Such methods can transmit two or three bits of data for each Baud, and by using two different amplitudes four bits can be transmitted per line transition. This and its variations are the common ways of transmitting data with modems at high speed. Phosphors The interior coating of a CRT screen that emits light when an electron beam hits it. Physbase A function that returns the address of the base of the physical screen of the ST-Falcon range, the one actually displayed. Normally this is the same address as pointed to by Logbase() but this is not required. See Logbase. Physical Real or hardware, not virtual. Physical address A hardware address and not a virtual one. Physical storage Real and actual storage not virtual storage. Pica A typesetting measurement equal to twelve points (about one-sixth of an inch). Pico Prefix meaning a trillionth (10^-12). PIL Page Interchange Language. A system that uses ASCII text files to describe the layout of a document containing different fonts and images, so that such documents can be transferred between different DTP programs. PIM Personal Integrated Media. Atari's new catch phrase to describe the Falcon030 computer - the first PIM system. Pin A conductor of an integrated circuit, one of its legs. Also, a tooth on a sprocket of a printer's tractor feed or the striking needle element of a dot matrix printer that forms the dots on paper. Pinout A diagram or table showing the circuit functions of the connector pins in a device. Pipe A means of interprogram communication where a buffer is set aside to accept output from one process and is used as the input to another. This process is commonly used in operating systems, especially those with a CLI, such as MS- DOS and UNIX. The vertical bar character | is normally used to signify the pipe process. For instance, the command ls -lt | head in the Mintshel environment under MultiTOS demonstrates a pipeline. The first stage of the pipeline is the program ls which has -lt as its argument. That is, "list directory, long form, sorted by date (most recent first)". The output of ls is passed as input to the next stage of the pipeline which is head. This program displays only the first ten lines of its input. The resulting output from this pipeline is, therefore, a listing of the ten most-recent files in the current directory. See Interprogram communication. Pipeline In a processing unit, a sequence of registers each specializing in certain operations and capable of performing some phase of instruction execution and passing the instruction and partial results on to the next register in the sequence. Once the first register has performed its task, it receives the next, so that in any one processor several operations could be done simultaneously. Also, see Pipe. Pitch The number of physical units per length, as in a pitch of twelve characters per inch in monospaced printing. Pixel PICture ELement. The smallest addressable point in a graphics display. The greater the number of pixels, the greater the resolution. The closer together they are to each other, the greater the density and picture quality. Standard monitors have densities of around 70-90 dpi. PL/1 Programming Language 1. Early business and scientific programming language. PLA Programmable Logic Array. A complex logic integrated circuit which, with the aid of development software, a hardware programmer can turn into a custom logic IC for a specific task. One such device can replace a large number of conventional 74 or 4000 series logic integrated circuits thus decreasing production costs. The construction of a PLA offers greater flexibility than a PAL. Platen A surface against which the paper and ribbon are struck by an element in an impact printer. Platter A single hard magnetic disk, usually one of a stack in any disk drive unit. PLCC Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier. A method of packaging complex integrated circuits that uses terminals on the four sides of the square chip to make contact with the inside edges of the chip carrier which is mounted on the circuit board. The MMU and GLUE chips in a ST use such a method. Plex Synonymous with net. PLL Phase Locked Loop. Plot To place graphic images on paper, the function of a plotter. Plotter An output device placing two-dimensional patterns on paper, usually by a moving pen, and sometimes moving paper, arrangement. Typically used to plot graphs and CAD drawings. Point A vertical typesetting measurement equal to about 1/72 of an inch (0.013837 inch or 72.27 points to an inch). Pointer The address of one storage location as held in another storage location. Also, a mouse pointer. Pointer array A table or array of pointers. Pointer chain A series of pointers that establishes a path of control. Polish notation A method of mathematical operations where the operators are placed in the order in which they will be dealt with rather than in the order they occur. The collected operators are placed before the operands, but after in reverse Polish notation, as in the expression 3 x (A / D) which in reverse Polish notation would be AD3/x. Poll To send a short message from a data network master station to each node to invite them to send any messages they may have. Polygon A 'closed' multiple line graphic. Polyline A multiple line graphic which is not 'closed' at the ends. POOLFIX3.PRG An official freeware Atari patch program for TOS 1.4, 1.6 and 1.62 which fixes a bug with the GEMDOS Malloc() function. POOLFIX and POOLFIX2 are bugged and should not be used. POOLFIX4 was released by Claus Brod to fix a problem Atari's version had with some hard disk drivers. See Forty folder bug. Pop To remove an item from the top of a push-down stack. POP Point Of Presence. An access node for a dial-up service provider that is remote from its main installation but local (and therefore at local call rates) to some of its users. Pop-up menu A menu in a GUI/WIMP environment that appears elsewhere than at the top of the screen, and usually at the position of the mouse pointer when called by a mouse button click. Port An interface by which data enters and/or leaves a functional unit, typically a multi-pin electrical connector or coaxial cable termination. Also, in a network such as the Internet, an ID that specifies a particular application or server on a machine, especially those that need to provide general access for account holders and specific access to the public. Telnet, for instance, is normally on port 23. Portfolio Pocket PC An Atari-badged hand-held computer, almost IBM PC compatible and designed by DIP in the UK. It uses a clam-shell design with a keyboard on one half and a 40 column by eight line supertwist LCD screen on the other. This screen has the option to window a full 80 x 25 screen. The graphics display is 240 x 64 pixels. The processor is a slow 4.9152 MHz Intel 80C88 and there is a 256 K ROM containing the DOS, BIOS and a suite of built-in applications including an address book, dialler, time manager, calculator, text processor and a Lotus 1- 2-3 compatible spreadsheet. DOS is a somewhat dated MS-DOS 2.11 compatible version. 128 K of RAM is also fitted as standard. Battery backed, credit card- sized RAM cards are available in 64 K, 128 K, 256 K, 512 K and 1 Mb sizes which can be used to save data onto and for supplying additional applications on. A 60-pin expansion bus port is fitted for connection to a parallel or serial interface. The keyboard is a 63-key QWERTY, IBM BIOS compatible keyboard with a buried numeric keypad and function keys. One innovative feature is that the address book can output the dialling tone of a telephone number through a built-in loudspeaker which is held against the mouthpiece of a telephone for convenient dialling. The weight is about 450 g (1 lb) with batteries and its size is suitable for placing into an inside jacket pocket. It operates from three AA batteries or an optional mains adaptor. Port width The amount of data that can be transmitted simultaneously through a port. Portability The extent to which items, such as programs, can be used on or with other different systems. A language is said to be portable if its source code can be used with little or no modification on another computer of a different make, processor or operating system. Porting The act of transferring data or programs from one computer operating system to another including any modifications to get them to work on the new system. Positional representation system A numeration system where the digits have values depending on their position with respect to the other digits in the number. See Numeration system. Positive A number greater than zero. A terminal towards which electrons flow from the negative terminal on a circuit or battery. Postfix notation Reverse Polish notation. Posting A message sent to a USENET newsgroups or to any other public message area. Also, the act of sending a message. Postmortem An analysis of an operation performed after its completion and usually carried out to determine what happened. PostScript A complex page description language, seldom directly compiled by users but by programs, to produce output to paper. A PostScript file contains a description of a page which is translated and processed by a compatible printer which reconstructs the image for printing. It is intended to be device independent, being capable of producing the best results from a 9-pin dot matrix printer to a professional imagesetter. Although its use was available from day one on the Apple Macintosh, its appearance on the ST-Falcon range has almost been nonexistent until recently. SpeedoGDOS now supports PostScript Type 1 fonts. Power The value of an exponent, the number of times a number is multiplied by itself in exponentiation, as in 2^3 or 2 x 2 x 2. Also, a reference to the processing speed of a computer and the measurement of electricity in watts. Power down To make an orderly shutdown of a system. Powerful A term used to indicate relative capability or versatility. Power Pad controller A ten-key pad controller for the Jaguar games console. Power supply unit - PSU A device that provides the direct current voltages required by a functional unit. It typically contains a transformer that changes the mains alternating current voltage (240 V UK) to a lower direct current voltage suitable for the device which it serves, such as 3 A at 5 V (actual use 2.3 A) and 0.9 A at 12 V (actual use 0.4 A) for the ST. Power up To supply electrical power to a functional unit or a system. In the latter, a series of these steps may have to be gone through before the whole system is functional. PPM Pages Per Minute. A measurement of the speed of operation of page printers, such as laser printers. PPP Point to Point Protocol. A new and conforming protocol that allows a computer to connect to the Internet and use the Internet Protocols (IP) using a modem and standard telephone line. Such connections are usually for stand-alone (unnetworked) PCs and made through a Service Provider. PPP connections have many advantages over SLIP ones which it is rapidly replacing. See TCP/IP, SLIP. Preamble A sequence at the beginning, such as the synchronizing and identification characters at the beginning of a block of transmitted data. Precedence The order in which items are processed or considered. Precision The accuracy of a number as limited by the maximum number of digits that can be used to express the fractional part. For instance, double precision indicates that a numeric value is held as two words and so accommodating more decimal places than with only one word. Pre-emptive A program or task that interrupts regular processing. Any true multitasking system is pre-emptive, as is MultiTOS and MagiC, because programs have to be processed on a single processor by interrupts. This means that a system doesn't have to wait for permission from a process or program before switching to another process. In this way, all processes get a share of the CPU although the priority of any task can be controlled by the user. Prefix A part that precedes another. Pre-press The production of textual and/or graphic material using DTP, image processing and other text processing software on a microcomputer for final output to a high resolution typesetting system. Preset A parameter provided prior to execution, often bound in the source code. PRG A GEM executable application file name extender. A program file. Primary key The main or only value by which a record is identified in a database. Print To convert data held in storage to a form represented by characters (or other marks) on paper. Printable character Any character that is not a control character, such as letters, numbers and punctuation marks. Print control character A control character that affects the printing process rather than the display, such as a line feed or Esc-E on an Epson compatible printer which switches on enhanced printing. Printed circuit board - PCB A thin board onto which copper tracks have been formed by photolithographic and etching processes and electronic elements have been soldered to form a circuit. Printer A device that inputs data in an electrical bit-pattern form and outputs onto paper, card or transparencies. Printer driver Any program that produces output to a printer has to have a means of communicating to each of the many different types of printers which use different command sequences to control them. The standard control codes for dot matrix printers are the Epson Esc control codes which work for most basic features, but all printers have additional ones in order to compete in a large market, such as more fonts, styles, higher graphics resolution, colour etc. As the file produced by any word processor or DTP program is constant the means of translating it into a form that a printer understands is left to individual interfaces called printer drivers, which sit between the program's output routines and the printer. Different programs require different printer drivers. Each program requires different drivers for different printers. There is no universal printer driver on the ST-Falcon range. Most programs will be packaged with different drivers, such as most programs using GDOS will provide drivers for NEC P, Epson FX80, BJ10, DeskJet 500, LaserJet, NB15 and SLM laser etc. These printer drivers are heavily coded and not capable of being altered by a user. However, most word processors use printer drivers and translators that are (or start out as) ASCII text files which can be edited by a user to exactly suit the needs of a particular printer. First Word Plus and Protext operate like this. A thorough understanding of the control codes of a printer and the design of a particular printer driver is necessary to tackle such a job. Printer port The ST-Falcon range printer port is controlled by the programmable sound generator chip, the YM-2149 chip which has, apart from its sound generating capabilities, two 8-bit bidirectional ports. These can be configured under software control to be input or output ports and can be used to communicate with the outside world beyond the use of printers, such as extra joystick ports, data input from remote sensors, robot control and data transfer between computers. The ST supplies the 8-bits of data from the data bus lines D8 to D15 to the YM-2149's D0 to D7 data lines. The STROBE signal is generated by software through the YM-2149 if the data is valid to the printer. The printer can respond with a BUSY signal (goes high) on pin 11 if it is already processing data or off-line. If BUSY is low, the YM-2149 sends the byte of data. A pulse on the ACKNLG line (pin 10) from the printer tells the computer that the printer is ready to accept another byte of data. Print head That part of a dot matrix printer (impact, thermal or inkjet) that forms the characters on paper. Printout The output from a printer. Priority An assigned value or rank that indicates when a particular item is to be dealt with in relation to other items awaiting attention or access to a resource. High priority items take precedence over low priority ones. Privilege An indication of the access rights of a user to data of a system. Privilege violation A processor exception error that occurs when a program is in user mode and tries to execute an instruction that is only allowed in supervisor mode. See Exception vectors, Bombs. Procedure A short subprogram that is called by name or label where required in source code and often from a library of such routines. Process To execute instructions or a program. Sometimes, those instructions themselves. Processing The operation of executing user programs with appropriate data. Processing speed The number of instructions executed per second by a CPU, usually measured in MIPS. Processor The element of a computer system that can interpret and execute instructions. See CPU and FPU. Processor state save area A small area of RAM where TOS stores some information about a program after a system crash. This is not cleared after a reset and can be examined after a crash to help identify the problem. A long is 32 bits and a word is sixteen bits. Table P1: Processor State Save Area Address Name Length in hex $380 proc_lives long After a system crash, this value will be $12345678 if TOS was able to save the processor state in the following variables. $384 proc_dregs 8 longs The contents of the CPU registers D0 to D7. $3A4 proc_aregs 8 longs The contents of the CPU registers A0 to A7. $3C4 proc_pc long The first byte contains the exception number that occurred. $3C8 proc_usp long The contents of the CPU user stack pointer (USP). $3CC- $3EA proc_stk 16 words The contents of the first 32 bytes of the supervisor mode stack which contains the Program Counter (PC), the address at which the program crashed. $3EC- $3FF unassigned Product The result of a multiplication. Also, that which is produced or manufactured. Profile A list of features belonging to a particular item that may also identify it from another. A user's profile on a network may contain that person's access status, terminal settings, password and ID, personal details such as address and age, accounting details etc. Program One or more sequences of related instructions that, when executed, perform some function or operation. There are three main types of programs. Application programs or user programs perform work for a user. System programs form part of a computer's facilities including the operating system. Sequence control programs are found in non-computer devices, such as washing machines and printers and are used to control such devices. Programs are written by programmers using a programming language. The resulting source code is converted into a program by compilers. These types of programs are termed software and are typically stored on disks or tape. Some programs and especially sequence control ones, are stored in ROMs and are termed firmware. Program block A division of a program written in a block-structured language. Program counter - PC A processor register that holds the address of the next instruction to be obeyed after the instruction in the instruction register. Program development The process of producing a program from initial design to release. Program file A disk file containing an executable program. Double-clicking on a program file icon or its name in a directory window will execute it. Accessories are also program files but cannot be launched like this except under MultiTOS. Program header A block of data stored at the beginning of GEMDOS executable files, i.e. those with .PRG, .APP, .TOS, .TTP and .GTP extenders, which contains important information required by GEMDOS for the successful running of that program. Table P2: Program Header Offset Size Meaning $00 Word Magic number, always set to $601A for GEMDOS programs $02 Long Length of TEXT segment in bytes $06 Long Length of DATA segment in bytes $0A Long Length of BSS segment in bytes $0E Long Length of symbol table in bytes $12 Long Reserved $16 Long Program flags - see below $1A Word Relocation table flag ABSCODE. A value of $0000 if there is a relocation table, non-zero if not. The program flags long word: Bit 0 Fastload bit: If set, only the program's BSS is cleared. If zero, then the whole of the TPA is cleared. Introduced with TOS 1.4. 1 Alternative RAM Load. If set, program is loaded into Alternative, TT RAM. TT only. 2 Alternative RAM Malloc(). If set, program's Malloc() calls are satisfied from TT RAM. TT only. 28-31: TPAsize. The value here indicates how much Alternative RAM the program considers to be enough to use. See Fast RAM. Programmable Also intelligent. Something that has the capability of being changed by means of a program. Programmable logic array - PLA See PLA. Programmable sound generator - PSG A sound synthesis chip capable of being programmed by a user, for instance the YM-2149 sound chip in the ST. Programmable read-only memory - PROM A read-only memory in which bit-patterns can be written by users using a 'blower'. The term covers EPROMs and EEROMs. They are used in prototyping and in short-run production being more expensive than ROMs. Programmer A person with the skills to write, modify, document, test and possibly, design programs. Programming language A language suitable for writing computer programs. See Language. Program name The name given by the programmer to a program. Sometimes, the group of characters that uniquely identifies a particular program within storage. The two may not be the same. See File name. Program specification The description of a required program as produced by a systems analyst. Program suite A group of related programs contained within an application package. Program support The assistance a software supplier gives a user. PROLOG PROgramming in LOGic. A high-level language developed in France which is popular with those interested in artificial intelligence research. PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory. PROM burner A device used to program PROMs by selectively connecting a current to its pins. Prompt A message from the operating system or program to a user indicating its readiness as to input. In many command line interfaces it may simply be an indication of the current disk and/or directory and a cursor. Propagation The process of carrying signals between separated locations by means of electrical conduction, light or radio. Propagation delay The time that elapses between a change of logic level of an input and a resultant change in the output of a semiconductor device. This provides an indication of its access speed. ST RAM has a propagation time of 120 ns or less. Proportional spacing A typeface where each character has its own unique width. This is the normal typeface spacing used in books and magazines and most other professionally printed material. See Monospaced font. Protected Safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to computer storage, whether that is by a user to disk files or by a program to another program's memory. Protocol A set of rules or regulations, such as those for performing data interchanges between independent devices, for instance between two modems. PRX The file name extender for an inactive GEM program file. Such files are found in the AUTO folder where the presence of the .PRX extender makes the program unrecognizable to TOS and thus not loaded at boot-up. PS PostScript. Pseudo static RAM RAM devices that use the storage principles of dynamic RAM chips and the simple connections of static RAM chips. PSG Programmable Sound Generator. A sound synthesis chip that can be programmed by the user. See YM-2149. PSRAM Pseudo Static RAM. PSS Packet Switching Stream. PSU Power Supply Unit. PTC1426 Atari 14 inch colour multisync monitor for the TT range. It has a .31 mm dot pitch and can connect to most PCs with its switchable PC VGA mode or TT medium resolution mode which enables it to show all TT resolutions except TT high resolution. The scan frequency of 70 Hz in VGA mode and 60 Hz in TT gives it a stable picture. Public Data, program variables or code that is available to any program or process that requires it. Public domain Freely available to all. It strictly refers to software where the copy restrictions have been relaxed by the author and for which a charge is waived and where the programmer has renounced all rights to the material. True public domain programs can be sold at a profit as they are owned by everyone (although this is generally discouraged) and can be freely altered. However, this is not generally the aim of most people who place programs into the public domain. The use of the term is confused and quite often the programmer will want to retain copyright. Under such circumstances, the program becomes either freeware or shareware. PD programs are common on the ST and provide a very rich and cheap source of programs, some of which are better than similar programs available commercially. They are generally distributed on bulletin board networks or other similar conferencing systems or by PD libraries which make a small administrative charge for their services, but not for the software. See Freeware, Shareware. Pull-down menu A menu in a GUI/WIMP environment activated from the top of the screen or window by clicking on its title. Pull-down menus are typical of the Macintosh environment, whereas TOS uses drop-down menus. Pulse A short-period presence of voltage or a voltage polarity change as used for timing or representation of data. PUN_INFO A data structure which provides the means for a hard disk driver to make the relationship between logical storage devices and the actual physical units. #define UNITS 16 struct pun_info { int puns; /* no of physical hard drives */ char pun[UNITS]; /* table for logical drives */ long part_start[UNITS]; /* logical unit offset */ long cookie; /* extended pun_info flag */ long *cookie_ptr; /* pointer to cookie id */ unsigned version_num; /* version of driver */ int max_sect_size; /* largest logical sector size */ long reserved[16]; } PUN_INFO; The new version is shown above. Sometimes only the first three members of the structure are used. Atari's AHDI v3 or later uses the whole structure. Hard disk drivers from ICD up to v6.5.5 do not fill in the part_start array correctly and only use the first three items. puns contains the number of physical hard drive units. The pun and part_start arrays contain one element for each of the possible sixteen logical drives A: to P:. Element 0 is drive A:, element 1 is B: etc. In pun[], bits 0-2 of each byte give the ACSI address of the physical drive attached to the logical drive. Bit 7 is set if the logical drive is not an actual physical device (RAM disk or floppy drive B in a one floppy system). part_start[] contains the physical sector number of the first logical sector of each logical device. If cookie is set to $41484449 ("AHDI") and cookie_ptr points to cookie the next part of the structure is valid. version_num contains the version number of the driver in the format $aabb which equals aa.bb. max_sect_size contains the size of the largest logical sector on any logical drive. Purge To remove a unit of data from storage. Push To add an item to the top of a stack. Push-down stack A data structure that provides for the addition and removal of items only at one end and in which all items move one item-space toward that end when an item is removed and away when an item is added. See LIFO. Push-up list A group of items to which items can be added at one end and removed from the other, a queue. See FIFO. P 177 entries EOF