"The Atari A to Z" by Mark S Baines Copyright (c) 1998 Mark S Baines All Rights Reserved YOU MUST READ "READ_ME.NOW" BEFORE YOU LOOK AT ANY OF THIS FILE ***************************************************************************** Q Quadbit Four bits transmitted in a single Baud. Quantizing The process of dividing a range of values into bands or subdivisions, each being considered as a separate unit. This term can be applied to the process of representing an analogue wave by a sequence of discrete signals or characters each representing the amplitude of the wave at some point in time at which it is sampled. See Sampling. Query A search of data. Query language A programming language, similar to BASIC, used by some applications (usually databases) to search through data and produce a formatted output. Queue A FIFO data structure. Quick keys A term given to keyboard equivalent commands of functions in a WIMP/GUI environment. The Save command can be accessed from the "Save" item in the "File" menu or the quick key combination [Cntl-S] may be used. See Keyboard equivalents. QWERTY A term applied to a keyboard in which the alphabetical keys are arranged in the UK/US style, where the first six keys on the top alphabetic row are "QWERTY". Q 7 entries EOF