ISVM - InterScript Variables Manager ==================================== The instructions to ISVM - public Beta 2 Legal ===== ISVM (c)1998 by Volker Janzen ISVM is freeware! ISVM may be distributed on PD/shareware disks as long as the price per disk does not exceed 5 DM. The inclusion of ISVM on CD-ROM requires the explicit approval of the author, but the distribution in mail boxes with free guest download and by anonymous FTP is allowed and encouraged. Further methods of sale or distribution have to be approved with the author first. Installation ============ For Scripter: ------------- Copy ISVM.PLG into the Scripter PLUGIN folder. For Simple Script: ------------------ Rename ISVM.PLG to ISVM.APP. The first time ISVM is called by Simple Script, you will need to select ISVM.APP in the file selector. Commands ======== ret=ISVM.SetVar("Name", Value [, Permanent]); Places a variable in the ISVM with the identifier "Name" and the value 'Value'. ISVM is case sensitve which means a != A. You should try and use meaningful names for variable identifiers as using popular names like "a" or "i" is not very clear or helpful. Also, if several scripts that are running at the same time use the same popular variable identifiers, the scripts may produce incorrect output. New since beta 2 is the flag 'Permanent': If permanent is passed as 1, ISVM defines the variable as being permenant. When the plugin is terminated, ISVM stores all the permenant variables in a file called 'PISV.DAT' (Permanent InterScript Variables). When the plugin is started again, the permanent variables are restored from this file and are available as before. ret=0: NO variable was assigned ret=1: everything was OK, 'name' has been assigned the value 'Value' ret=2: NO more free memory to store variables Value=ISVM.GetVar("Name"); Asks ISVM to return the contents of the variable "Name". If Value="" it means that the variable has not been assigned a value, or it is really an empty string. ret=ISVM.DelVar("Name"); Deletes the variable "name". This command was introduced in beta 2 together with permanent variables. ret=0: Variable not found ret=1: Variable deleted ISVM.Quit; The plugin is terminated and the temporary variables are completely deleted. ToDo-list for the first non beta-release ======================================== -Instructions in ST-Guide hypertext format. -Support for "extern" in Scripter With thanks to: =============== -The Guano Apes for your album "Proud Like A God". -Joachim M„hrdel, who alone found nearly all the bugs in the first beta. -Holger Weets, who gave me convincing arguments ;-) which encouraged me to update my GEMScript Unit, in order to remove the unnecessary size limitations of the variables and contents. -Mark Wherry for translating the documentation into English. Contact ------- Volker Janzen c/o Mattes Haslacher Weg 17 D-89075 Ulm Mausnet : Volker Janzen @ UL Internet: WWW : Translated by Mark Wherry, TransAction, 06/09/98 (whilst listening to Tubular Bells III :-)