Kobold Highspeed File-Copier Version 2.5 ---------------------------------------- If one thing can be safely said about the Atari operating system, TOS, it is that it is far from optimized. We buy our computers to enhance productivity yet spend much of our time waiting for system routines to perform simple functions. That's where Kobold comes in ! Want to see that again ? ------------------------ Kobold is an excellent all around file management tool with many features, one of which is high speed file copying. On my stock STe with TOS 1.6 and Megafile 30 hard disk, a GEMDOS (an acronym for Graphics Environment Manager Disk Operating System) copy from one partition to another comprising 1,591,455 bytes in 113 files and 8 folders took 1 minute and 14 seconds. The same copy using Kobold took 11 seconds! It then took GEMDOS 56 seconds to delete these files and folders while Kobold deleted them in less than 1 second! This performance enhancement extends program wide allowing you to move files, format disks, create folders, rename files/folders and manipulate file attributes, all with the same efficiency with which it copies files. Life's a Batch -------------- Ok, so now you're enjoying the lightning speed with which Kobold performs functions, and maybe you're happy. But wouldn't it be nice if you could get even MORE work done in LESS time and with LESS effort ? Well you can, with Kobold Job Files. Job files are akin to Batch files and, I know, I know, are something most people try hard to ignore. Kobold knows this and includes a special learn feature which automates the task of creating and saving the Job file for you! Before you perform that repetitive task for the umpteenth time, turn on Kobold's "Record Job" feature. Kobold will watch your every move and save this information for you. The next time you need to perform this task, simply select it's Job file ! Did I say Life's a Breeze ? Does it play well with others? ------------------------------ Absolutely, positively, Yes! Kobold can be run as an accessory or as a program in both singletasking environments and multitasking environments such as Geneva¿, MagiC and MultiTOS. It works on all Atari ST/STe/TT/Falcon computers in ST medium resolution or higher including all large screens and graphics cards. Particular drives can be alternatively accessed via GEMDOS - thus supporting all possible media including network partitions, CD-ROM and MO drives. Special support even exists for incremental backups to removable media! Several programs such as NeoDesk¾ , Thing and Jinnee already allow you to use their interface to access Kobold features and more are being added all the time. The bottom line --------------- Kobold has become to me an indispensable tool, one which I can't ever imagine being without. If your time is important to you, then I'd say it's time you picked up a copy for yourself!