Edith Manual About Edith 28th August 1994 The 'About Edith...' dialog shows your Edith version number and the address of ZFC. COPYING This is a commercial package. Any copying, except for personal use, is strictly forbidden. For a free demo version, check at your local Bulletin Board system, or contact ZFC. An earlier shareware release of Edith (V1.0), however, is now freeware. COMMERCIAL INFORMATION For ordering information, questions and suggestions, feel free to call or write to ZFC Computing Media P.O. Box 12079 1100 AB Amsterdam The Netherlands Phone: +31 20 695 9901 Internet: A.V.Groenink@zfc.nl WWW: http://www.nl.net/~zfc/index.html Best times to call are: 8am-10am and after 18.00pm weekdays, or week-ends. Otherwise, leave a descriptive message on our answering machine and we'll try to call you back as soon as possible. (Times are in CET/MDT, which is usually Greenwich mean time plus 1 hour). For bugs or more complicated problems, please send us a detailed description of the problem and precise details about your computer configuration. We will always do the best we can to help you get the very best out of our software. Edith Manual About Edith 28th August 1994