Edith Manual Clipboards 11th June 1994 The CLIPBOARD PANEL displays the contents of the three text buffers: the CUT/PASTE/REPLACE buffer the DELETE/TEXTOP buffer the ALL PURPOSE buffer and three icons: the DISK (represents the file selector) the TRASH CAN the SHREDDER (the 'radio active' icon) The CUT/PASTE/REPLACE buffer is used by the Cut, Copy, Paste, Overlay and search/replace operations. The DELETE/TEXTOP buffer is used by Delete, Delete Line and all operations in the TEXT menu. The ALL PURPOSE buffer is there for the user. Buffers can be DRAGGED and DROPPED onto eachother, onto the disk, trash can and shredder icons, onto other Edith windows, and when using MultiTOS, also onto windows belonging to other applications such as MINIWIN. Drag a buffer onto the disk icon to save a buffer; drag the disk icon onto a buffer to load a file into it. Drag a buffer onto the trash can to move it to the trash can. Drag anything onto the shredder to permanently discard it. DOUBLE CLICK on a text buffer or the trash can to open it into a window. ** The upper two text buffers are marked with an exclamation mark when the information they contain is 'vital', which is to say that if this information is lost, it cannot be found elsewhere. When MOVE OLD BUFFERS TO TRASH FILE is selected in the EDITOR OPTIONS dialog, vital data is automatically saved to the trash can whenever it is overwritten. ** The trash can and text buffer windows are read-only. Edith Manual Clipboards 11th June 1994