Edith Manual File Options 11th September 1994 The following FILE OPTIONS can be specified in this dialog: The TYPE of NEWLINES when a file is saved can be set to match any of the following three standards: MS-DOS (carriage return, line feed) UNIX (line feed) MACINTOSH (carriage return) However, when AS IS is selected instead, the newlines in a file will not be changed. When loading a file, EDITH will try to recognize which standard is used in the file, and any newlines subsequently typed into the text will be in that style. Saving 'as is' is a few times faster than saving in a specific newline style. BACKUPs can be written before saving a file. The backup file either has the same name as the original file, with the extension '.BAK', or is saved in a folder BACKUP by its original name. CARBON COPIES of a file can be saved at regular intervals, set in minutes, and when the contents of a window are abandoned. Carbon copies are a safety measure. When for example your computer system has crashed while you were editing important text, and a carbon copy of that text has been written recently, EDITH will automatically offer to use the carbon copy instead of the original file when it is opened later. Also, when you decided to abandon a text and later found the changes valuable anyway, the carbon copy can provide a solution. ** The 'lid closing time' known from older Edith versions has been set to a fixed time. Edith Manual File Options 11th September 1994