Edith Manual GEM Options 11th September 1994 The GEM OPTIONS dialog allows you to customize the behaviour of Edith specific to the GEM interface. In standard ATARI applications, the ACTIVE WINDOW is always the top window, i.e. when you type text on the keyboard, it appears in the top window. When the MOUSE switch is selected instead, text will be inserted in the window right below the mouse pointer; also, when MultiTOS or WINX is used mouse clicks on objects in a background window will not top the window. ** When WINX or MultiTOS is used, applications which understand the AV_KEY message may even respond to key input in background windows when an Edith window is on top. However, this may also cause uncautious programs to crash. Normally, when the closer box of a window is clicked, the window will be closed. When ICONIFY is selected in the window options dialog, clicking the closer box will cause a window to be iconified instead. Edith's ALERT boxes are normally presented in a window, so that other applications or accessories can still be used when an Edith alert is on the screen. The QUICK switch brings back the old type of alert boxes. ** Quick alert boxes do not react to keyboard shortcuts except RETURN. Edith's FILE SELECTOR normally makes use of a window. When the STANDARD switch is selected, the standard TOS item selector is used instead. This option is NOT available when MultiTOS or the desk accessory version are being used. Windows can be SNAPPED for extra display performance (text windows) and to avoid distorted dot patterns when moving windows which contain a SCROLL BAR. The latter is a problem of ATARI GEM which can also be solved by using WINX by Martin Osieka. Select USE GEM CLIPBOARD if you wish to use the GEM clipboard instead of an internal cut/paste buffer. ** The clipboard sense interval known from older Edith versions is obsolete (periodical sensing is no more applied). To force a read of the clipboard, top any Edith window, or use the key combination Control + V instead of the menu entry. Edith Manual GEM Options 11th September 1994