Edith Manual Macros 24th September 1994 A KEYBOARD MACRO is a sequence of key strokes recorded like you record music on a cassette tape. EDITH allows you to record up to 10 such sequences, which are activated by pressing CONTROL and a function key. To start recording a macro, open the MACROS dialog from the CONFIG menu or by pressing CONTROL and 6. Then select one of the function keys, type a name to identify the sequence (this is not necessary), and press RECORD. Top a text window and enter the sequence. To stop recording, select END MACRO from the CONFIG menu, click STOP in the KEYBOARD MACROS dialog. While recording, the mouse will take the shape of an audio cassette. From then on, the sequence can be activated by pressing control plus the selected function key. ** A macro consists of up to 16 keystrokes. A macro cannot call another macro. ** Macros are loaded and saved together with other keyboard settings by LOAD KEYS and SAVE KEYS. ** The default configuration contains 5 preset macros (on F1-F5). F6 up to F10 are open for your own additions. Edith Manual Macros 24th September 1994