Edith Manual Search 11th June 1994 One dialog takes care of both SEARCH and REPLACE. The SEARCH dialog is opened from the SEARCH menu or by pressing ^F. To SEARCH for a string in a text, type it in the TARGET EXPRESSION field, and click the SEARCH button. Search for the next string by selecting SEARCH NEXT in the SEARCH menu or by pressing ^G. When ALL is selected, all strings are marked at once. To SEARCH and REPLACE a set of strings, type the replacement in the SUBSTITUTE EXPRESSION field. Now you can either search and replace targets one by one or replace them all at once; to do the first, repeatedly select SEARCH or press ^G and then select REPLACE or press ^H. To REPLACE ALL targets AT ONCE, select the ALL switch, select SEARCH, and then select REPLACE. ** Click on the TARGET EXPRESSION field to enter a pull down menu allowing you to choose between four pairs of target/substitute expression pairs. ** The search and replace system makes use of the cut/paste text buffer to store the replacement strings. The following OPTIONS are available for search and replace: ù Wildcards on/off. When wildcards are ON, some characters in the target and substitute expressions have a special meaning. See below. ù As word. When this is selected, the strings are only marked when they constitute a full word. ù Up. When this switch is selected, strings are found in upward direction. ù Case sensitive. When this switch is NOT selected, strings are also marked when they differ in case to the original target expression. ù All Expressions. When this switch is selected, all four target/substitute pairs are used for searching and replacement. WILDCARDS are used to search for strings which are not literally the same, but match some general pattern with a number of holes. The following characters have a special meaning in the target and substitute expressions when WILDCARDS are enabled: TARGET EXPRESSION ?, ! Match any character *, & Match any string or zero or more characters [a-z] Match any of a-z [^a-z] Match any character not in a-z ^ Match the beginning of a line $ Match the end of a line \c Match the character c literally \( string \) Marks part of the string for use in the replacement. SUBSTITUTE EXPRESSION ? The character matched by ? * The string matched by * ! The character matched by ! or by [a-z], [^a-z] & The string matched by & or the part enclosed by \( and \). \c The character c literally. Edith Manual Search 11th June 1994