Edith Manual Editor Options 4th September 1994 The EDITOR BEHAVIOUR of the Editress can be set to match a great variety of existing programs. Select AUTO INDENT when you are writing program source. Edith will then automatically insert space at the beginning of a line according to the indentation of the previous line. Select AUTO WRAP when you are editing plain text. AUTO WRAP can be quickly switched on and off by selecting F5. When this option is active, words are automatically moved to the next line when they exceed the right margin. A number of characters can be designated as INDENTATION. Indentation normally includes blanks and tabs, but up to 8 other characters can be specified in this dialog. Select FORMAT ALIGNS if you want the text format operation (TEXT menu, ^F or F4) to align paragraphs to the right margin by adding extra blanks between words. Select USE EDIT BELL if you wish to hear the bell sound when an action is performed that does not always have a visible effect (such as Copy, or Push Position). Select SHOW MATCHING BRACKETS if you are used to the UNIX editor VI. When this switch is on, the cursor will quickly blink at the corresponding opening bracket when you type ), ] or }. Select DISPLAY TRUE TABS AS CLOCKS when you're used to the TEMPUS editor. Select EDITOR tabs when you want the TAB key to insert spaces into the text. Select TRUE tabs when you want tab characters (ASCII 9) instead. NOTE that the tab stops for true tabs and editor tabs are set separately; edit tabs can be set by clicking on the TEXT RULER, while the true tab distance is set in the RULER DIALOG. Select MOVE OLD BUFFERS TO TRASH FILE, when you want optimum editing safety. Old vital data that threatens to get lost will then automatically be save in the TRASH CAN FILE. Whenever you wish to recover old data, you can copy it back from the TRASH CAN, which can be opened from the CLIPBOARD DIALOG, or by selecting OPEN TRASH CAN from the OPTIONS menu (^T). The cursor blink rate can be set to any amount of milliseconds. An amount of 0 milliseconds will result in a steady cursor. Edith Manual Editor Options 4th September 1994