Edith Manual Window Placement 11th June 1994 The parameters in the WINDOW PLACEMENT dialog tell Edith how and where to place new windows and icons on the desktop. For WINDOWS the following options are provided: CENTER the window is always put in the middle of the screen. MOUSE the window is put as such a position that the mouse pointer is inside the window. MANUAL every time a window is opened, the user can place it anywhere on the screen by moving a rubber box contour of the window. ** the user can immediately cancel the window by pressing the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON during manual placement. INTELLIGENT The window is aligned to the other windows at a place on the screen where it covers the least amount of space in other EDITH windows. ICONS are always placed automatically starting in a corner of the screen, going either in vertical or horizontal direction. Both the corner and the direction can be set in this dialog. MultiTOS icons are always placed in the lower left corner of the screen. Edith Manual Window Placement 11th June 1994