QUOTE.TTP is a TTP program intended for use with the Edith Professional text editing system. --- SYNOPSIS QUOTE QUOTE DESCRIPTION QUOTE writes each line of its standard input to its standard output prefixing each line with a short string. This is especially useful when answering Electronic Mail. When QUOTE.TTP is called without the argument, lines will be prefixed with '> ', otherwise lines will be prefixed with . BUGS From the Edith Filters dialog, it is impossible to create a prefix (other than '> '), ending in a space character. EXAMPLE To invoke QUOTE from the Edith system, select the text to be quoted, such as Hello John, How are you? Fred. and press ALT F2. The result is: > Hello John > How are you? > Fred. A different prefix can be set through the 'Filters' dialog (in the ARGS field). --- (C) 1994 ZFC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands avg, 12th September 1994