LINNHE COMPUTING PROGRAMS ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ UTILITIES ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ PROFILE 2 - The Atari system analyser This is *the* most comprehensive system analyser available and fully compatible with all Atari machines and Atari emulators and operating systems including MultiTOS, MagiC, MagiCMac, MagiCPC, Geneva, GEMulator, STonX, PaCifiST. PROFILE 2 is a modern design GEM program with an easy to use and thorough interface which includes: Choice of system screen fonts Amodal dialogs in windows Submenus Full keyboard or mouse control ST-Guide context-sensitive help using ST-Guide either as an accessory or from disk Any page, series of pages or whole report can be sent to the printer, a disk file or the clipboard Printer initialisation string User-defined report label Configuration saved to disk GEM-List keyboard standard compliant The report is most thorough, consisting of the following: 1 Hardware, TOS and Display 2 Memory 3 Drives 4 pun_info Structure 5 File System Limits and Capabilities 6 Floppy Disk Drive A Check 7 ROM Cartridge 8 Serial Devices - Current Settings 9 Miscellaneous Falcon030 Details 10 AES 11 VDI Drivers 12 Installed Fonts 13 Multitasking System 14 Multitasking System - Configuration File 15 Multitasking System - GEM.CNF File 16 AV Server Protocol Status 17 Important System Configuration Addresses 18 Operating System Header Block 19 Program Basepages 20 AES Internal Shell Buffer - Installed DESKTOP/NEWDESK.INF File 21 AES Internal Shell Buffer - The Installed Configuration 22 Control Panel Settings and GDOS 23 GDOS - ASSIGN.SYS File 24 GDOS - EXTEND.SYS File 25 AUTO Folder Programs 26 Current Accessories 27 Current CPX Modules 28 Currently Running AES Processes 29 Vertical Blank Interrupts 30 Cookie Jar Configuration 31 Cookie Jar Interpretation 32 Environment Variables 33 System Variables 34 Exception Vectors - First 32 35 Exception Vectors - TRAPs 36 Exception Vectors - FPU and MMU Interrupts 37 Exception Vectors - MFP 68901 Interrupts 38 Exception Vectors - TT MFP and SCC Interrupts Each page consists of many items and can run to hundreds of lines each. XBRA and XNAM compliancy can be checked for on System Variables and Exception Vectors via a dialog or double-clicking on the relevant line in the display window. PROFILE 2 is shareware and costs a minimum of 5 UK Pounds to register. This provides a key which gives you access to all parts of the program. All printing and disk operations are unavailable in the non-registered version. Send 6 UK Pounds to Mark S Baines and he'll send you a disk with the latest version of PROFILE 2 fully registered with your own personal key, together with all the other Linnhe Computing programs (some not available here). For outside of Europe add an extra 1 UK pound for postage. Payment is by cash, cheques (drawn on UK banks only) and postal orders only. Cheques must be made out to "Mark S Baines". Eurocheques, American Express money orders and bank drafts are accepted in UK POUNDS STERLING only. The latest version will always be available from: The Linnhe Computing web site: specifically: CIX: conference current filelist topic (such as FTP: ( /pub/atari/ directory. ( /atari/tools/util directory. I will try to upload to these sites, but they are increasingly difficult to log onto. BBS networks: FAN base FAN.UTIL.MISC PD Libraries: Floppyshop and FaST Club. DSKCHK - Floppy disk checker A simple TOS-based program which can be used from a command line interface, which will report on the format and structure of a floppy disk and test it's integrity, reporting on any errors found. SEEKMS - Floppy disk seek rate setter A series of programs to set the seek rates of the floppy disk drives, essential for those that have updated to a HD floppy disk drive. SET_DEV7 - Set device 7 as the default serial port on the Falcon A little program that sets the default system serial device on a Falcon to device 7 by doing a Bconmap(7). This remains in effect until another program resets the device or a reset. It should overcome most of the problems people have with the Modem 1 port not working, especially after running several comms programs. CPX MODULES ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ STDCODES - Dial Codes Index CPX Dial Codes Index is a CPX module for the Atari XCONTROL panel accessory (or alternatives, such as ZCONTROL or COPS). It allows you to find which Place, Country or Use corresponds to a particular dialling code or visa versa. Other details are also shown. Over 4600 UK national and international codes are available. POSTCODE - Post Codes Index CPX Post Codes Index is a CPX module for the Atari XCONTROL panel accessory (or alternatives, such as ZCONTROL or COPS). It allows you to find where a UK Post Code refers to or the Outcode for a particular town. CHAR_TAB - Character Table CPX Character Table is a CPX module for the Atari XCONTROL panel accessory (or alternatives, such as ZCONTROL or COPS). It shows the current system font and allows any character to be clicked on and its value in hexadecimal, decimal, octal and binary to be displayed. KEYCODES - Show Key Codes Show Key Codes is a CPX module for the Atari XCONTROL panel accessory (or alternatives, such as ZCONTROL or COPS) and is aimed mostly at programmers. It allows you to type any key combination and displays the Key Scan Code, the Shift State and the Key ASCII Code. Values are shown in hexadecimal, decimal and octal. In addition, the ASCII representation of the key combination is shown and the Keyboard Legend, i.e. that written on the main key pressed. CAR_REG - Car Registration CPX Car Registration is a CPX module for the Atari XCONTROL panel accessory (or alternatives, such as ZCONTROL or COPS). It allows you to find where a car was registered in the UK and its year of registration. CALLFSEL - Call File Selector CPX Call File Selector is a CPX module for the Atari XCONTROL panel accessory (or alternatives, such as ZCONTROL or COPS). It allows you to call the file selector from within any program which has access to the menu bar and the XCONTROL panel accessory. It is compatible with all file selectors. WAY_PNTS - Way Points Difference CPX Way Points Difference is a CPX module for the Atari XCONTROL panel accessory (or alternatives, such as ZCONTROL or COPS). It shows the Distance between two UK Ordnance Survey National Grid References and the Magnetic Bearing of the second from the first. DATE_DAY - Week Day of Date CPX Week Day of Date is a CPX module for the Atari XCONTROL panel accessory (or alternatives, such as ZCONTROL or COPS). It shows the Week Day Name, Day Number and Week Number of the year for any date entered by the user. STAMPS - Stamp Values CPX Stamp Values is a CPX program for the Atari XCONTROL panel accessory (or alternatives, such as ZCONTROL or COPS). It shows you the combination of stamps necessary to make up a certain value inputted. FONTS ÿÿÿÿÿ MSB_ANSI - MSB style Atari ANSI system fonts These four GDOS bitmapped fonts are equivalent to the three Atari system fonts and based on them, but include the ANSI characters suitable for comms on-line use and those using so-called IBM printer fonts in their word processor. In effect the fonts are those officially called PC-8 Code Page 437 on the PC. Protext users will also find them particularly useful. MSBATARI - MSB style Atari system fonts These four GDOS bitmapped fonts are equivalent to the three Atari system fonts and based on them. They were designed for those who wanted the clarity and consistency of the MSB_ANSI fonts but wanted the Atari character set instead of the ANSI characters. For both styles, the four fonts are in point sizes 20, 10, 9 and 8 which are equivalent to the Atari system fonts 32x16, 16x8, 8x8 and 6x6. They are based on the standard Atari fonts but greatly altered to make them easier to read and typographically consistent. The 8x8 9 point font is particularly readable and suitable for constant use where programs allow. These fonts can be installed as normal system fonts by NVDI, NeoDesk, Fontkit or Warp 9 users. If you ask nicely Mark will also add, subtract or alter any characters that you want to customise the font to your particular needs. He's good like that :-) The latest versions of any of the above will always be available from: The Linnhe Computing web site: CIX: conference current filelist topic (such as PD Libraries: Floppyshop Send a self-addressed envelope if you want a reply to any queries. Address: Mark S Baines Linnhe Computing Linnhe, Shore Street Inver Ross-shire IV20 1SF Scotland Telephone: 01862 871624 E-mail: Internet: FidoNet: 2:254/ NeST: 90:102/107.0@nest.ftn TurboNet: 100:101/12.10@turbonet.ftn AtariNet: 51:502/0.10@atarinet.ftn Home Page: