** Maggie review / 381 words ** Bugger! 78% ** BC ** Entertainment Freeware, Falcon only Author: Reservoir Gods http://www.acs.bolton.ac.uk/~msg1css/maison.htm ** /BC ** ** BUGGER.GIF here ** ** BUGGER_L.GIF here ** In keeping with our Alternative Party dedicated theme for this issue, we bring you a review of a game that was actually written in situ at the party itself! Bugger! is actually a thoroughly updated treatment of the classic Frogger game. It was the guest appearance of the Atari VCS console version of this crusty but still addictive game on the big screen at the party, that led directly to the Reservoir Gods deciding to do their own version. Everything was sacrificed in the mad rush to produce this game, sleep, food, (apart from the odd Hesburger) and even the steamy promise of a sauna was shunned by the dedicated team who barely looked up from their monitors whilst the deed was done. With Bugger! the basic game of Frogger is on offer, that is, to get the frog across the road, and to avoid being squished by the oncoming traffic, all ten lanes of it. As with many other Reservoir Gods games, there is more to it than just a simple game, as a whole range of configurable options lurk nearby. There can be up to six players, any combination of human or computer control, the game can be won with the number of frogs safely across the road out of so many, or with the guillotine of a timer to intervene. Gameplay is simple, but very "moreish" for just that final turn. The sound and graphics have been suitably updated, with the TruColor treatment handed out to the otherwise basic frog and car sprites, but the Falcon really shows its distinctiveness with the 'comedy' samples and DSP powered soundtrack. As with all Reservoir Gods productions, the very high standard of polish is apparent, even more incredible, considering the fact that the main part of the game was produced over two very hectic and noise-filled days at the party. We're not quite sure how Bugger! got its name from the Reservoir Gods. I can however confirm that the choice of name was nothing to do with certain words that were thrown around by them when something failed to work as planned, the first time around! ** italics ** Richard Spowart ** /italics **