** 1 page PD/Shareware news / 678 words ** Mountain ** MOUNT1.JPG here ** Mountain is a video editing application, reminiscent of Adobe's Premiere, developed in France by the TNT crew and coded by Remi Vanel. Mountain can load FLI, FLC, FLH, QuickTime MOV, DL(1&2), AN1/AN3 animations, TG1 lists and TGA images with other modules planned. Video is handled internally in 16-bit mode with 152 animation tracks which can load video direct from disk available. Transitions, intensity, motion (zoom, move), transparency and effects can be applied as desired. Mountain requires a 68030 or faster machine with at least 4Mb memory and fast high resolution TrueColor display (640x400 minimum) - the Nova, Crazy dots, ET 4000/6000 and ATI mach 64 cards are all supported. Currently there's no sound support but Remi is considering adding this. An English version is planned eventually. In the meantime you can check out the current French demo beta release at: ** BC ** http://www.mygale.org/11/tntmag/ Email: vanel@club-internet.fr ** /BC ** --- Zorg Ludovic Rousseau has recently released Ze ORGanizer his disk and file manager as freeware under the terms of the Gnu Public License (GPL). Zorg can defragment and optimise hard disk partitions and includes options to edit binary files and sectors directly. The archive is available for download via ftp from: ** BC ** ftp.lip6.fr/pub/atari/Disk/ZORG_210.LZH ** /BC ** Anyone interested in getting involved with future development should get in touch with Ludovic at: ** BC ** Ludovic.Rousseau@wallace.gemplus.fr ** /BC ** --- fVDI v0.85 Fenix/Fast VDI, programmed by Johan Klockars, is a freeware screen accelerator similar to NVDI in concept. This release offers similar performance levels to NVDI on STs and Falcons (in monochrome mode). Text effects, arcs, circles, ellipses, vector fonts and printer drivers are not currently supported. fVDI is easy to port - device drivers for PCI cards on the Atari clones can be written with ease. Native code drivers are planned for the freeware ST emulators PaCifiST and TOSBOX which should offer fast high resolution TrueColor modes. Johan is looking for feedback, bug reports and people to help code drivers and for things like the FreeType font rendering engines. The current release can be downloaded from Johan's web pages at: ** BC ** http://www.johan.cyberstrider.org/ ** /BC ** --- Digital Lab ** DIGILAB.JPG here ** If you're looking for some graphics software to push your Falcon to the limit take a look at Digital Lab, developed by Fr‚d‚ric Bayle and Eric Da Cunha in France. Digital Lab uses the M&E module system to handle images and runs on a Falcon and other TOS compatible machines with 2Mb memory minumum. Digital Lab is shareware and costs FF 300 (around œ30). Currently there's no English release but the current French demo version is available for download from: ** BC ** http://perso.club-internet.fr/f_bayle/ Email: f_bayle@club-internet.fr da-cun_e@epita.fr ** /BC ** --- Family Tree ** FAMTRE22.IMG here ** Family Tree v2.28 is the first update since 1996 and features non-modal 3D dialog boxes, iconification, improved memory management, clipboard support and additional printing options including output across several sheets (tiled output) and output to GEM Metafile. Thanks to TransAction's Didier Briel a complete French release is also now available. A tree of over 2000 people can be handled on a 520ST with up to a million on a system with 64Mb memory. So long as GDOS (or replacement) is installed Family Tree offers the ability to lay out family trees as desired. Members of the family can be moved around on screen and the links between family members remain intact. Family Tree includes extensive support for the standard GEDCOM file format, defined by the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints, which enables data to be swapped with other genealogy software on other platforms. ** BC ** Ian & Mark Baker, 256 Lower Road, Great Bookham, Surrey, KT23 4DL Tel/Fax: (+44) 1372 454875 Email: ian.baker@lloyd-doyle.com http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/rgoring/wag/download/ftree228.zip ** /BC ** --- ZIP 2.0 This release features long filename support, compatibility with PKZIP 2.04, but no GUI. It's described as a beta version for MiNT, but seems to work fine on a Falcon running MagiC - let us know if it works on your machines. Download available from: ** BC ** ftp.ibp.fr/pub9/atari/Archivers ** /BC **