** 1 page / 502 words ** The CyberSTrider Files Woke up this morning and decided to internet window shop. Got into a CAB and headed straight for the ASH designer software site at: ** BC ** http://members.aol.com/ASHINFO/ ** /BC ** It was as though summer madness had befallen. The month of June, and no less than eight upgrades to those oh so gorgeous pieces of software we have come to love. Of importance to most of the Atari Computing readership are the releases of CAB 2.7, Emailer v1.1, Texel v2.1, jinnee v1.1, MagiC v6.0 and HD-Driver v7.53. Although these are currently only available in German English versions should follow via System Solutions. However, if you understand German and can get by without English manuals, you can order direct from ASH. Demo versions are available for download from the ASH web site. Talking of German software, I strolled over to Titan Designs at: ** BC ** http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/TITANWEB/ ** /BC ** where they're currently selling HD-Driver v7.52 for half the price of the English version. Taking a random turn at the Atari WebRing I ended up at Cadenza Software: ** BC ** www.cadenza.cyberstrider.org ** /BC ** where Matthew Bacon has been producing useful utilities for some time now. All his software is programmed in HiSoft BASIC and is of a high standard. Previous freeware releases have featured in Atari Computing Reader Disks and include Personal Organiser, Address Book and Password Protector. Matthew has now poured his talent into a major project, called Web.Wizard, which is scheduled for release this October. ** WEBWZD_A.GIF here ** Web.Wizard is intended to become a fully fledged Web authoring suite boasting a GEM interface, keyboard shortcuts, BubbleGEM and ST-Guide help and a WYSIWYG display. ** WWZD_COM.GIF here ** The Cadenza web site was designed using the current unreleased version so you can get an idea of its capabilities! Web.Wizard will be released as a commercial program costing somewhere between œ10 to œ20 and looks set to compete head on with HomePage Penguin Pro. I asked Erik, the Web.Wizard's cat, what to do next and he told to to read MyMail at: ** BC ** http://www2.tripnet.se/~erikhall/ ** /BC ** Erik Hall has been very busy upgrading his email MyMAIL client which works with STiK/STiNG and supports BubbleGEM, OLGA, AV-Server, Drag&Drop, and MIME/Base 64. ** MYMAIL_A.GIF here ** ** MYMAIL.GIF here ** Recently there have been around four upgrades per month so they'll probably be a more recent release available by the time you're reading this. Currently at v0.63-beta this latest version features: ** UL ** * Memory overhead reduced * Word wrap now works correctly * Improved mail handling * MIME encoded attachments ** /UL ** ** MAIL_AIL.GIF here ** ** MAILLIST.GIF here ** MyMAIL can create mailing lists and the built-in editor neatly bundles up the package. If you'd like to be automatically informed of updates there's a MyMAIL info mailing list which you can subscribe to at: ** BC ** http://www2.tripnet.se/~erikhall/mymailupdates.html ** /BC ** Then I woke up and found myself sitting in Heathrow airport, just as the last call for my flight to India was announced, so I'm off on holiday - see y'all later. ** italics ** Denesh Bhabuta ** /italics **