** 1 page letters / 1080 words ** Floppy Shocker! As the last year of the 20th century begins we have suffered two blows our platform, the closure of Floppyshop and the AOL buying out Compuserve. The Floppyshop closure leaves the FaST Club as the only active PD/Shareware library in the UK. Happily the Fast Club have made their entire PD/Shareware library available on CD-ROMs which is good news but for newcomers the only source of new software will be on floppy from the FaST Club or via the internet which leads me on to my next topic. With AOL buying out Compuserve it seems likely the old ASCII interface will be killed off making it impossible for Atarians to log in using terminal software. With large companies gobbling up the smaller ones it won't be long before we're into a monopoly situation and small independent ISPs like Zetnet which support the Atari platform will be under threat. Write to your local MP and the department of Trade and Industry and ask for the Monopoly and Mergers Commission to look into this blatant empire building - before it's too late! Martin Howard Naylor, Middlesex We're naturally sad Floppyshop has closed but not especially worried about the availability of software to anyone obtaining an Atari ST for the first time. Most people sell or pass their machines on complete with software and other extras - hopefully including a copy of Atari Computing. We would urge anyone selling Atari hardware and software to make spread the word so we can continue to provide the forum between Atarians and suppliers. We are considering compiling our own selection of essential PD/Shareware disks and we'd be pleased to hear whether readers think this is something we should get involved in... There are already several large ISPs dominating the market - AOL are running TV advertisements now so we can expect to see the percentage of households online in the UK rise rapidly. Whether this is a good thing for Atarians only time will tell. There are still plenty of small and medium sized ISPs around to cater for niche markets and it seems unlikely they will all disappear or be bought out in the near future. If you're really missing the Compuserve forums why not do your bit to keep the large ISPs at bay by joining over 200 other Atarians on CIX which offers both internet and conferencing services. Atari Computing are now official resellers of CIX products - check out the boxout for more details. International Rescue Thank you for your letter regarding my lapsed subscription. I kept meaning to renew it - I hadn't realised just how much time had lapsed. I do enjoy Atari Computing even though sometimes the contents are way over my head! I mainly use my Atari for DTP work - I publish a quarterly magazine for the Colchester Cat Rescue which brings in funds for the charity so that's the main thing. I recently purchased a CD-ROM called the Electronic Spinster Graphics Collection - the graphics were impressive and useful for my magazine so I sent off to the USA for a catalogue to save sifting through the 6000 items. I never received a reply so after four months I telephoned the Post Office and they informed me the company that had rented the PO Box had moved away with no forwarding address. I lost twenty dollars plus the cost of two phone calls to the states - perhaps a word of warning in AC for the benefit of others who might do the same. As a matter of interest can PC CD-ROMs be read using a CD-ROM connected to my Atari - there are so few CDs for the Atari. Keep up the good work. George Sparkes, Essex Thanks for re-subscribing - we really do need each and every reader so we can publish that Millennium issue I'm looking forward to! I'm sorry some of the AC contents are over your head - some of it is over mine! Maybe it's time for another reader survey - what do readers think? Before sending money in the post we recommend getting in touch with the recipient by email, telephone or letter before sending payment - it's not a guarantee but it's the next best thing. To answer your final point, CD's intended for use on PCs can usually be read on other platforms including suitably equipped Atari machines. How useful the contents will be depends on the individual CD. Generally speaking CDs containing Clip art, fonts, MIDI files and documentation in ASCII or HTML format can all be read - it's just the executable files which will only run on their native platform. ** boxout ** ** titchy text! ** CIX (Compulink Information eXchange) CIX (pronounced kicks) is a subscriber based computer conferencing system which also provides full Internet access with all accounts. Advantages of CIX ** UL ** * No sign up fee. * Dedicated Atari software including support. * Local call access throughout the UK on a single number. * 56K connections (all three variants 56K, V90, X2 and K56 Flex). * 5Mb free Web space included. * Fast access to the global Internet including the WWW, Electronic Mail, FTP and Usenet News. * Computer conferencing is a written conversation allowing everyone to follow a discussion easily and refer back to conversations. * Free Technical Support 9am-10pm, Monday-Friday, 12pm-6pm on Saturday on 0845 355 5151. ** /UL ** CIX offers two different price tariffs: ** UL ** * CIX ICA-SUT account: The Standard User Tariff is designed for people who use CIX Conferencing, Internet Mail, News and the Web a lot. This option gives unlimited access to CIX Conferencing and CIX Internet for a monthly flat fee of œ14.99 plus VAT (œ17.61). * CIX ICA-OUT account: The Occasional User Tarif is aimed at subscribers who primarily use the conferencing system but may occasionally browse the Internet. Connection rates: 4p per minute cheap rate, 6p per minute standard rate with a monthly minimum of œ6.25 plus VAT (œ7.35). ** /UL ** To sign up on-line all you need is some terminal software such as CoNnect and have a credit card (Visa, Access/Master/EuroCard, Diners Club, American Express) handy. Dial 0181 296 1255 and follow the on-screen instructions. Remember to enter our CIX reseller code: ** bold ** crs0016 ** /bold ** when prompted. In AC#6 p32/33 we covered CIX in detail including our SwiftCIX offer which includes a disk and manual containing everything Atarians need to get online for just œ4.99. If you'd like to order this or a copy of AC#6 please complete the Reader Offers form on page 10. ** /boxout **