** 1 page PD/Shareware news / 800 words ** ** Drop the last item in preference to losing a piccie ** ** HTML2TXT.GIF here ** HTML2TXT is a freeware utility, programmed by Thomas Sahlin, which can convert any HTML file into a standard ASCII text file - it even formats the text file to match the HTML file! Thomas has recently released the source code and is asking for help to further develop the program. Contact Thomas if you can help: ** BC ** Email: thomas.sahlin@home.se http://user.tninet.se/~jyc891w/software/atari.html ** /BC ** --- Backward III Backward is an Atari ST emulator for the Atari Falcon programmed by Cyrille Dupuydauby. It's useful for running Atari ST software which won't work on the Falcon, in particular Backwards perseudes many ST only games to run on the Falcon. Cyrille has recently released a public key for Backward: ** NP on ** Username: USER Key: AGABPFAI ** NP off ** If anyone is interested in a copy of the source code (68030 for the emulator engine and Pure C for the library manager) please get in touch with Cyrille at: ** BC ** 53 domaine des aigles, 60500 Chantilly, France Email: dupuyda@ibm.net ** /BC ** We can't locate a web page for Cyrille or Backward but it is available for download via ftp at umich and mirror sites including: ** BC ** ftp://src.doc.ic.ac.uk/packages/atari/umich/Falcon/Utilities/bckw310.zip ** /BC ** --- A Day at the Races (ADAR) ** ADAR.GIF here ** This previously commercial software, programmed by Marshall Lake, has been released as shareware along with its companion program A Day at the Races Companion (ADARC). ADAR is a horse racing simulation program which runs on Atari ST/e machines and (reportedly) on a Falcon using Backward or Magi. ** BC ** Email: mlake@melake.erols.com http://melake.erols.com/~atari ftp://melake.erols.com/pub/Atari ** /BC ** --- IdeaList v3.90e The latest version of this popular printer manager has recently been released and is available from the InterActive web pages or direct from Christoph Bartholme's web pages. IdeaList takes advantage of your existing GDOS installation and, used together with one of IdeaList's IXA printer configuration files, can generate printed output at any available font and point size from any ASCII, First Word Plus or RTF format file in a preset number of columns. This release includes the following new features: ** UL ** * NVDI Print Dialog (optional) * BubbleGEM help * Document history protocol * 14 new GEMScript commands which means IdeaList can now be controlled almost completely using GEMScript via Scripter. * Redesigned Launch editor/program dialog. * Switchable Text attributes. * The Gemdos output device can be selected. * A few minor changes to ensure IdeaList will work after the year 2000 ;-) * Minor adaptations for Magic 6 ** /UL ** ** BC ** Christoph_Bartholme@ka2.maus.de (No emails > 16Kb) www.atari-computer.de/idealist/ ** /BC ** --- Login v0.11 beta Login is a freeware utility, programmed by George Garner, which enables several users to set up their own password protected environment similar to Windows. Each user can have different NEWDESK.INF, CONTROL.INF, Auto files, CPX files, and desktop accessory files. Login is also useful for anyone who has to change desktop accessories, Auto programs and so on just to run one particular problem program. With Login installed you can create a separate environment for that program and login as that "user". ** BC ** Email: garn9114@kutztown.edu http://www.voicenet.com/~quantum/login.zip ** /BC ** --- Pacman for GEM v0.2.5 ** PAC4GEM.GIF here ** Thanks to Mario Becroft we can add Pacman to the growing list of games which run under GEM on most systems. This release is Postcardware and still very much a work in progress. Mario is looking for feedback and encouragment so you know what to do. This version supports RSC file format tile sets which means the entire look and feel of the game can be changed, three different tile sets are included. --- Currency Converter v1.0.6 ** CC106.GIF here ** This release, also programmed by Mario Becroft, features the ability to work as a desktop accessory, improved Drag&Drop support, option to automatically add a fee to conversions and more. InterActive offers a "Register one and you're registered for all" scheme for Mario's software which costs œ6 including a master disk containing the latest versions of Currency Converter, Pacman for GEM, LineUp, Text Analyser, Wordplay, Manoeuvre, Pfract and Dfree. ** BC ** InterActive 65 Mill Road, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5LJ, England Email: active@inactive.cix.co.uk http://www.cix.co.uk/~inactive/ ftp://sofa.dartnet.co.uk/pub/atari/interactive/ Mario Becroft PO Box 332, Kumeu, Auckland 1250, New Zealand Email: mb@tos.pl.net http://www.pl.net/~mario/ ** /BC ** --- Web Page Creator v2.0 WPC is a utility programmed by Rob Mahlert to help create simple web pages. Some knowledge of HTML is expected. Using WPC you can include: Headings, long paragraphs, text and image based links, horizontal bars in three sizes, background images and sound, mailto: links, insert images and import text files. All of which can be aligned as desired. The current release works best under Single TOS without desktop accessories and is reportedly unstable under MagiC. ** BC ** Email: atari_wpc@geocities.com http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/8009/ ** /BC **