** PD/Shareware review / 227 words ** HTML-Export v1.0 ** AC exclusive ** 89% ** RD12.IMG here ** Utility, Freeware, all Ataris Author: Mark Wherry Email: mark_wherry@cix.co.uk http://www.cix.co.uk/~mark_wherry/ ** HTMLXCAB.GIF here ** ** HTMLXPRT.GIF here ** HTML-Export is a utility inspired by the AC#10 Suggestive Remarks column which proposed an HTML to ASCII converter capable of working as a CAB module. Because Mark had already programmed GEMTrade to handle HTML tags intelligently and run as a CAB module it was possible to shuffle some code around and spin off the basic HTML to ASCII conversion engine. Development leading up to this first public release involved recoding in ObjectGEM and improving format and special character handling - and these improvements will feed back into GEMTrade development. Although designed as a CAB module HTML-Export also runs as a stand alone application - simply run it from the desktop and select a HTML format file using the file selector or Drag&Drop a file onto its icon. The file is converted to ASCII and saved in the same path as the source file with the same filename but with a TXT file extender. If there's enough feedback and interest, Mark may expand HTML-Export to export files in UDO format which, via UDO, could then be converted to any UDO supported syntax, including ST-Guide, which opens up the possibility of creating online help from web pages - now that could be useful. Joe Connor