** PD/Shareware review / 403 words ** RSCView v1.02e 75% ** RD12.IMG here ** ** BC ** Utility Shareware, all Ataris, WDIALOG needed under TOS Author: Holger Weets Email: Holger_Weets@ol.maus.de (No emails greater than 16Kb) Availability: http://www.cix.co.uk/~inactive/ ftp.dryden.co.uk/pub/atari/interactive/ Any BBS connected to the FANfiles distribution network CIX atari.st/files98 ** /BC ** Resource files, in RSC format, are the files used by GEM applications to communicate between the program and the user. RSC files are created using a RSC file editor. It contains all the drop down menus, dialog and alert boxes which make up the user interface of most GEM applications. RSCView joins GEMView, 1stGuide and Look'n'See in its ability to view RSC files without running the associated application. The registered version can even dive into the RSC file to make and save changes - which offers an alternative to full featured RSC file editors such as Interface or ResourceMaster for some tasks. There's a lot of fun to be had adding colour to boring old monochrome RSC files and changing text strings, but it's well worth reading the ST-Guide hypertext first - some changes cannot be reversed without recourse to a full blown RSC file editor. Always work on a backup copy - you have been warned! Users of MagiC or other supporting Operating Systems can also alter the look of some buttons as well as adding keyboard shortcuts using the flags editor section. My attempt to add keyboard shortcuts to Personal Finance Manager Plus looked promising but sadly, after I'd used the shortcut once the underline detailing the shortcut vanished and I was back using the mouse. No doubt this was due to a combination of the age of the PFM and my level of expertise and certainly not a reflection on RSCView itself! Grab yourself a copy and try it for yourself - whilst it won't turn you into a programmer its a lot cheaper than a fully-fledged editor, and the extremely reasonable shareware fee of œ5 via InterActive certainly won't break the bank! Pros: Quick and easy RSC file viewer/editor, AVServer, Drag&Drop support. Cons: The lowercase filemask for resource files isn't supported by all systems, can't display alert boxes. Derryck Croker ** Images and captions ** ** RSCVIEW.GIF ** Although you can make changes to RSC files for your own use most authors don't allow these to be distributed so always check the program's documentation carefully or contact the author ** RSCVOPTS.GIF ** Adding a keyboard shortcut with the flags editor