** 1 page PD/Sharware news / 743 words ** ** EUREKA.JPG ** Eureka is a shareware program, programmed by French author Francois Le Coat, which is useful for designing and modelling mathematical shapes. In 2 dimensions you can plot graphs, perform numerical analysis on series, sounds, images, fractals and so on. In 3 dimensions Eureka can design and model shapes - MESA 3D (OPEN/GL clone by Brian Paul) is used for rendering. Export options include vector graphic formats and 3D image synthesis formats like Persistence Of Vision and Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML). Using the "time" parameter it's also possible to animate shapes extending to 4D evolutive shapes. These object animations also have an equivalent in POV script format - you can find some examples on the authors home page. Eureka has been tested on many Atari systems, runs under MagiC, and on TOS clone machines. The shareware release, supported in the UK by Cyberstrider, is fully functional with no restrictions and includes both French and English documentation and resource files. Registration costs....****??? Francois is looking for feedback and help to extend the documentation based on your experiences and you can contact him at: http://eureka.atari.org http://www.ief.u-psud.fr/~lecoat Email: lecoat@atari.org EMail: lecoat@ief.u-psud.fr CyberSTrider News CyberSTrider can now accept payment online Credit Card/Debit Card at no extra fee subject to a minimum order total of œ10. Payment in US Dollars at no extra fee are also now accepted in cash or cheque form. To calculate the dollar total simply multiply the sterling balance by 1.65. Please make US Dollar cheques payable to "Denesh Bhabuta" http://www.cyberstrider.org/computing/atari/ Email: denesh@cyberstrider.org Nemesis Indicator v1.0 Nemesis Indicator, programmed by Daniel Hedberg/New Beat is a small memory resident program for Atari Falcon030 compatible computers equipped with the Nemesis accelerator from Cortex Design (formerly Titan Design) which displays the current Nemesis state (16/32, 20/24, 24/48) at the upper right corner of the screen. Nemesis Indicator can also be used to change the Nemesis state by clicking on the mouse buttons while the mouse cursor is within the display area. http://home.swipnet.se/newbeat/ Willie's L-O-N-G Adventures New Beat are still working on Willie's Adventures (previewed in AC#5 way back in June 1997!). Three and a half years after the first preview release both the authors are at university and spare time is at a premium but they are still working on the game along with some other projects including a demo called Dream Or Reality and FlexTrax - a soundtracker. Daniel said: "Willies Adventures has progressed very much since the second preview released in the first quarter of 1997. The game engine and programming is about 100% ready really. All that's missing is graphics, some music, an intro, outro...!" You can read more about Willie's Adventures and New Beat's other projects on their homepage at: http://home.swipnet.se/newbeat/ IFusion ** IFUSION.GIF ** IFusion is a project which acts as a bridge between IConnect and STiK/STinG which means client applications previously only usable using STiK/STinG can be used via IConnect. The screenshot shows IFusion in action with Fiffi and aFTP both downloading an identical file simultaneously using a single internet connection. HTML2TXT ** HTML2TXT.GIF ** HTML2TXT, programmed by Thomas Sahlin in Sweden, converts HTML files to ASCII text files. Apart from the name, this new release of HTML2TXT doesn't have much in common with previous releases and is packed with new features including: ** UL ** * Better user-interface, can be iconified and offers BubbleGEM and online help in ST-Guide format. * Better HTML support. HTML2TXT has been completely rewritten, and now produces much better results when converting HTML files into text files. There's full support for lists and indentations, and it recognises the CSS property text-align and formats text accordingly. Width and align properties of
tags are now used. There's still no real TABLE support, but tables are turned into lists, which usually increases readability. * Conversion options. For example files can be converted between Atari and PC format by selecting to only convert characters from the Atari character set to that used in Windows - or vice versa. * Batchlist editor. HTML2TXT now has a real batchlist editor with save, load and merge features. Batch-lists are now automatically saved, which saves time if you regularly perform the same task. ** /UL ** HTML2TXT is now "Registerware" instead of freeware which means that if you like the program, all you have to do is register it free of charge by visiting Thomas' homepage at: http://user.tninet.se/~jyc891w/software/html2txt/