** Reader disk page / 504 words ** ** 2 columns ** ** Outer column same as AC14 ** ** Change intro and AC14 ref to AC15 ** ** RD15.GIF here ** Around half our subscribers take the Reader Disk. The combination of tutorial files, listings, PD/Shareware and exclusive software is unbeatable and not available anywhere else. Individual back-issue copies of the Reader Disks are still available. Please refer to page 9 for ordering details. VISION v3.5a ** VISABOUT.GIF (from article) here ** All Ataris Shareware Jean Lusetti VISION is an intuitive, fun to use art package. This unregistered version is fully functional with occasional 15 second shareware delays to encourage registration. VISION is still under development and supports most of the popular image formats are supported including: TIFF, JPEG, GIF, Targa, BMP, X-IMG, Degas, NEO, Art Director (ART) and MacPaint (MAC) and also features a batch conversion option. Simple Script v2beta1 ** SSWLOGO.JPG here ** All Ataris Freeware Mark Wherry Simple Script 2 is a GEMScript interpreter. This release has been reprogrammed in Pure Pascal and includes some built-in commands for the AV protocol which enables non-GEMScript aware applications to be controlled to some extent. The previous release used C style syntax but to avoid direct competition with GSExec Simple Script now features a BASIC-like syntax. CD-Labeller v1.0 All Ataris Freeware Alexander Clauss CD-Labeler is a simple Script which can be used to create CD labels using a suitable GEMSscript interpreter such as Scripter, Simple Script 2 and GSExec. Accent All Ataris Freeware (c) Ken Badertscher Accent takes a text file and regurgitates it to appear as if it were being read with whatever accents are specified. There are ten "accents" to choose betwen: Japanese, Chinese, German, Italian, Pig Latin, Cockney, Stutter, Lisp, Nerd and Obscene! MagiC Desktop Themes ** BLUE.JPG (from article) here ** All Ataris, MagiC 5/6 required Freeware Ian Norton (bredroll) The English MagiC 6 release (and we understand some earlier German releases) controls the appearance of GEM windows using a standard RSC file called WINFRAME.RSC, typically located in the MagiC XTENSION folder. This RSC file can be edited to create Windows style Desktop themes and we've included a selection for you to enjoy. To complete the new-look of your desktop some themes also include replacement AppLine and Start Me Up! RSC files and desktop background images. Roman 1.7 ** ROMAN.GIF (from article) here ** EXCLUSIVE All Ataris Freeware Matthias Jaap Converts between Arabic (decimal) numbers and Roman numerals. The fields can be copied to and from the clipboard and includes English, German and Dutch language options. Newton v0.98beta ** NEWTON.GIF (from article) here ** All Ataris Mikael Folkesson Newton is a graphical calculator which can be run from the desktop or renamed with the ACC extender and installed as a desktop accessory - it's a huge improvement compared to the boring calculator CPX. Enhanced Joypad tutorial EXCLUSIVE Copyright Xav/Atari Computing 1999 Colour schematic of the T2k controller in GEM Metafile format. HiSoft BASIC tutorial EXCLUSIVE Copyright Paul Jones/Atari Computing 1999 BASIC source code to accompany the tutorial including execute source code to replace the built-in execute/run subroutines.