** 0.5 page PD/Shareware / 334 words ** Newton v0.98beta ** On Reader Disk Logo ** 77% Utility, all Ataris Mikael Folkesson Email: mikael_f@swipnet.se www.home.swipnet.se/mikael_f ** NEWTON.GIF here ** Newton is a graphical calculator which can be run from the desktop or renamed with the ACC extender and installed as a desktop accessory. Eventually Newton will display graphs but the current beta release is alphanumeric only - but it's still a huge step up from the boring calculator CPX. The main dialog can be resized and your work can optionally be stored between sessions which is ideal for back-tracking through your calculations to spot mistakes. Lines within the calculation window can also be moved around using a Drag and Drop action or freely cut, copy and pasted between applications. The following pre-defined constants are supported, other can be added by editing NEWTON.CNF using any ASCII text editor. ** UL ** Pi: 3.14159265358979323846 C: 2.997925*10^8 (Speed of light in a vacuum) E: 2.718281828459045 ** /UL ** Newton supports a range of formulae which can be inserted into an expression using the formulae option in the popup menu. Variables up to 10 characters long beginning with a capital letter are supported along with most of the functions you'd expect to find on a scientific calculator. ** FORMULAE.GIF here ** Newton runs best under MagiC, although you can get by using WDialog, to display the popup dialog, and can take advantage of colour and font selectors where available to customise the interface. BubbleGEM (or Freedom2's Trouble Bubbles) help makes it easy to find your way around the keypad and ST-Guide displays the main documentation in an excellent colourful hypertext. Newton also supports a range of GEMScript commands which is more than enough serious stuff for one calculator utility! My favourite feature has to be the "Moral check" option which reports "Bad language error" in the calculation window when certain four letter words are entered and GEMJing plays a "I smell something stinky" sample - you just don't find this level of sophistication and attention to detail in Microsoft applications! Joe Connor