** 0.6 page / 470 words ** Basic BASIC ** I_ARCHIV.GIF ** ** I_USRGRP.GIF ** "Whatever you did, that's what you planned" - Featherkile's Rule. Paul Jones stands by it... As the last HBASIC tutorial in this magazine, I have decided to write about how to contact other HiSoft BASIC programmers should you encounter a problem or wish to offer help or advice. The good place to start is, of course, the internet. In the "Contacts" box, you'll find two email addresses. One for myself, and another for Matthew Bacon. On Matthew's site, you'll find a wealth of HiSoft BASIC information including links to other HB sites, a message board (where questions and information can be posted for others to read and respond too) along with details of the HiSoft BASIC user group. The site also contains over 5mb of HB (or Atari related) programming information and source code which is a real must! A further source of Atari related programming information (including HB) is the ICTARI disk magazine. ICTARI has been running for a long time now and has reached over 50 issues. Issues are available from the internet and all good PD libraries. For those that do not have access to the internet, but still can use a modem, there is another solution. If you get connected to a BBS (Bulletin Board System), ask your system administrator for connection details about NeST (NEtwork ST). This message system has a "programming" section which usually features all sorts of coding chat (but is not specific to HBASIC). Those without a modem will have to rely on the good old snail mail service for information. As postal mail is costly compared to Email, posting could be infrequent. However, Matthew Bacon has kindly agreed to provide the "HiSoft BASIC archive" to anyone who sends a SAE+stamps together with five DSDD. Version 2.x users are also welcome to contact Matthew regarding the HB Technical manual (which he has turned into STGuide format). However, due to copyright restrictions, the document cannot be posted onto the internet. Users should contact him (email or SAE +disk and stamps) quoting the first paragraph on p100 of the HB User manual. Matthew is also interested in creating a dedicated Atari BASIC Website (HiSoft BASIC, GFA, ABC etc.). He states "I am interested in developing a site dedicated to purely Atari programmers but I need their input and support!". Those who are interested should send articles (reviews of programs written in BASIC), source code, ideas for applications, Q&A/FAQ, anything related to programming!". ** Boxout ** Contact points Paul Jones 7 Coppice Close, Droitwich, Worcestershire, WR9 9JD, England Email: paul.jones31@virgin.net Matthew Bacon 49 Douglas Road, Surbiton, Surrey, KT6 7RZ, UK Email: matthew@cadenza.ukf.net http://www.cadenza.ukf.net/hbasic.htm The icons used on this page are from Matthew's site, and are used with permission. ICTARI disk magazine: http://www.elis.demon.co.uk/ictari/ictari.htm ** /end boxout **