** Reader disk page / 940 words ** ** All three columns this time ** ** RD16.GIF here ** Around half our subscribers take the Reader Disk. The combination of tutorial files, listings, PD/Shareware and exclusive software is unbeatable and not available anywhere else. Individual back-issue copies of the Reader Disks are still available. --- HTML2TXT 2 ** HTML2TXT.GIF here ** All Ataris Registerware Thomas Sahlin HTML2TXT 2 converts HTML files to ASCII text files. The interface offers batch conversion options, logfile, iconification and both BubbleGEM and ST-Guide help. --- EncrypSTer ** NCRYPT_D.GIF here ** EXCLUSIVE Preview All Ataris (c) Cadenza Software EncrypSTer is an encryption program offering up to 256 bit encryption. The program was written to demonstrate how easy it is to program GEM applications using HiSoft BASIC v2.1 and ENCHANT to accompany a tutorial in AC#16. The application, source code and accompanying files are all included. --- Interactiveness ** INTERACT.GIF here ** EXCLUSIVE All Ataris (c) Paul Jones Interactiveness is an interactive text story/adventure with an Atari Computing theme. Make sure the scripts are in the INTERACT folder and INTERACT.TOS is in the parent directory/root then run INTERACT.TOS. The first page of the story is displayed then you make a selection to choose the next page of the story. You continue through the story in this manner until the Game Over screen is displayed. --- Unpublished Articles EXCLUSIVE Rather than waste the remaining unpublished articles submitted to Atari Computing we have included as many as possible on the Reader Disk. The remaining unpublished articles are included on the MILLENNIUM time.capsule and renegade e3 CD-ROMs. Any copyright claims which may have existed on these articles is hereby formally returned to their original authors and these articles may not be published or distributed anywhere without their permission. Features ATARIHD folder Open The Box! Is your hard disk drive future-proof? With pliers between teeth, Colin Monro takes the plunge... CAB_TIPS folder CAB Tips If you're surfing the net with an Atari then these tips from Roy Goring will help you to get the best value from your on-line time... COLORTUT folder Introduction to colour correction David Barkin provides an objective description of image processing and desktop publishing (DTP) for the purpose of correcting colour output... FEELGOOD folder Animal Instincts Instincts are the basis of survival, Simon Wyndham looks towards an alternative future... FUJILIFE folder Atari Life Simon Coward runs a small mission using Ataris... GENOLOGY folder Genealogy: Hints for beginners kayell@cix explains how to track down family records... GETONLIN folder Getting on the net Colin Polonowski takes you through the basics of getting on-line... GIGAFUN.96 folder Gigafun 96 Demo Convention Thorsten Butschke reports from this convention held between the 2nd and 6th August 96 in Strasburg... GO_HIRES folder Go Hi-Res! Matt Burton dispels some common myths about mono monitors and tries to persuade you to change... HTML folder HTML Tips Bob Paton demystifies the creation of HTLM documents... MATT folder Matt Burton's reflections on life... NEWSGRPS folder Newsgroups Worth Visiting Dan Dreibelbis makes some suggestions... NEWSIE folder NEWSie NEWSie tries to combine several ways of collecting information in one package. How does it work long distance? David Leaver reports... PC_PERIP folder PC Peripherals Matt Burton looks at the plethora of PC peripherals which can be connected to Atari machines... PROG_GEM folder Our Little GEM Mark Wherry takes the first step on a guided tour of GEM from a C programming perspective... WHAT2DO folder What do you want? Simon Coward reckons if we want new software we have to offer feedback to programmers and reward their efforts... WOA.98 folder World Of Atari 98 George Crissman reports from the World Of Atari 98 which was heavily gaming and retro orientated... ZETNET folder Zetnet Internet Service Provider Can't choose an ISP? Paul Jones tells you all about Zetnet... ZIPDRIVE folder ZIP Drives Richard Spowart relates his experiences using a ZIP drive with his Atari... Games OP_SKUUM folder Operation S.K.U.M. Domnall Dodds went on a very dangerous mission with the fate of the planet in his hands... ROADKILL folder Roadkill Shiuming Lai reports on this racing game where bad taste and humour are inextricably mixed... Reviews DIRSORT folder Dirsort v1.1 This freeware utility makes it easy to organise your Auto folder boot order, Matt Burton reports... DISKCAKE folder DiskCake v2.1 This freeware utility displays the file structure for any floppy or hard disk partition graphically as a pie chart, Matt Burton reports... EMULATOR.CD folder The sincerest form of flattery Xav visited a Computer Fair and spotted this CD full of emulators... FOURWINS folder FourWins This freeware GEM game, reviewed by Matt Burton FourWins, is version of the popular "four in a row" game. KOBOLD25 folder Kobold v2.5 Carl Hafner takes a look at this high speed file copier which offers much more besides. The article is included in HYP and ASCII versions along with some example Kobold KBJ files... NETWORLD folder NetWorld If you've got HiSoft BASIC or STOS and are looking for a way to connect to the Internet, Paul Jones reckons you need look no further... PROTEXT folder Protext bounces back! After a period in limbo, this heavyweight text crunching package has a new distributor, Richard Harrison conducts the history lesson... ROTATOR0.6 folder Rotator 0.6 Martin Milner reviews this shareware vector font text effects program written by Simon Coward... THING folder Things to Think About Secrets of the Thing alternate desktop by Dan Dreibelblis... ULTIM_CD folder The Ultimate CD-ROM For All Cubase Users So is it the ultimate? On first impressions, I would have to say that the answer is no... UNDERCOV folder Undercover Issue 7 Freeware diskmag originating from Germany. Chris Holland reckons it's that most rare of creatures - a real insiders viewpoint 'scene' magazine...