** AC5 PD/shareware news / 686 words ** ResourceMaster v2.x ** RSM2.GIF here ** This is the first RSC file editor in the same league as the commercial program Interface. ResourceMaster is capable of handling the large colour icon resource (RSC) files used by the Thing desktop. As far as we're aware this is the only RSC editor, apart from Interface, capable of handling these large colour icon files. Since Interface has not been available in the UK since Compo closed the future for ResourceMaster looks very healthy indeed. ResourceMaster is shareware, programmed by Armin Diedering, in Germany. An English release is under preparation by the TransAction translation crew and UK support should be organised by the time you read this. Armin has been programming ResourceMaster since 1992. Early releases were written in OMIKRON BASIC and released through the OMIKRON User Club. Recently Armin switched development over to GNU C++ and after developing a GEM library work has continued to work on ResourceMaster 2. Here's a feature list: ** bulleted list ** * Resource files larger than 64Kb * All flags and object states variable * Trees i.e. objects keep in a handy window * Test mode for alert boxes * Output files for C, Pascal and BASIC via modules * Names up to 32 characters long * DEF, DFN, RSD and HRD definition file import via modules * Full featured and integrated icon editor * Standard GEM interface * Mainly dynamic memory management * Dialogs in windows * Multiple file loading * ST-Guide format hypertext help ** end list ** Home Brew GEM! ** GEMMA.GIF here ** GEMMA is a STOS extension which enables STOS programs to use real GEM function calls! This means GEM dialogs and the GEM (or replacement) file selector can be used. The GEMMA project has lofty ambitions including the release of a new version of STOS which enables the GEM mouse pointer to be used. ** BC on ** URL: http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/pjones/home.htm ** BC off ** ** German flag here if you have one... ** News from Germany ** Italics intro ** The majority of new Atari software releases originates from Germany we're delighted to welcome Michael Ruge as a regular correspondent to the Atari Computing news pages. Micheal is an experienced Atarian and contributor to the respected German ATOS disk magazine. ** end italics ** There have been plenty of new releases recently, most of them are German only at the moment - but that's why I'm here! I've released a new German version of my Chips 'n Chips hypertext which includes hardware documentation about TOS and compatible computers and peripherals (hard disks, monitors, Jaguar, ATW800, Hades, Medusa and so on). Registration costs 30DM (around £12) with the unregistered version available for download from my webpages at: ** BC on ** URL: http://members.aol.com/MichRuge/ ** BC off ** SPIN! release 0.14 This new CD-ROM file system driver, programmed by Julian Reschke, is based on MINT (by Eric Smith) and an installed MetaDOS-BOS driver. The following file systems are supported; MINT-XFS on ISO9660, ISO9660/Rockridge, ISO9660/Joliet, ISO9660/Apple, Mac-HFS and Audio-CD. ** ATOS.GIF here ** On the 7th April the ATOS freeware colour disk magazine in ST-Guide/HTML format released their latest issue which features the following articles: ** Bulleted list ** * CD-ROM on Atari computers with Kodak Photo-CD * Home banking on your Atari * HadesT60 Computer from Medusa Systems in Switzerland * GrafTool - a creative program for photo reproduction * Calamus SL 96 * GEMAR, SCSI tape streamer software, making backups the easy way! ** end list ** ** BC on ** Email: Rainer_Wiesenfeller@w2.maus.de URL: http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~Thomas.Much/ATOS/ or http://wwwrzstud.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uk48/ATOS/ ** BC off ** Tommis WorkSpace Manager ** TWSM.GIF here ** TWSM v1.0 is a time limited but otherwise fully functional shareware "virtual desktop", programmed by Thomas Künneth. TWSM is designed to minimise desktop clutter by enabling windows to be positioned off-screen and easily switched between. TVSM includes ST-Guide hypertext help. Registration costs £6 via InterActive or 10DM direct with the author in exchange for which you get a key to remove the time limit. ** BC on ** Email: tskuenne@linguistik.uni-erlangen.de URL: http://www.cix.co.uk/~inactive/ ** BC off ** SysInfo ** SYSINFO.GIF here ** SysInfo v4.02 was released on 24th April 1997. SysInfo is a shareware system diagnostic program which runs on all machines from ST-medium resolution (640x200) or higher. Includes ST-Guide hypertext help. Registration costs DM40 (around £15). ** BC on ** Email: Thorsten_Bergner@b.maus.de ** BC off **