** AtariPhile intro / 156 words ** ** AtariPhile logo here ** We're pleased to include another Martyn Tidd article this month. This time around Martyn has revised and updated his original MultiPlicity article to reflect changes in the latest version. As usual Joe has distilled the article down to around one quarter of its original size so if you would like to read the complete version please order a copy of AtariPhile #5. AtariPhile #6 should be available as you read this and if you'd like to order a copy send an SAE, disk and two stamps per issue, one for return postage, one towards our costs. Don't forget to state which issue/s you require! Currently our ftp site is unavailable but the current issue can be downloaded from: ** BC on ** URL: www.fffnet.demon.co.uk/ ** BC off ** or read online at:: ** BC on ** URL: http://www.walusoft.co.uk/fff/ Contacts: AtariPhile, 11 Pound Meadow, Whitchurch, Hants, RG28 7LG, England. Email: atariphile@fff.compulink.co.uk ** BC off ** Colin Fisher-McAllum