** About the cover for contents page / 206 words ** Blade Runner ** AC6MINI.GIF here ** This darkly surreal montage was created by Colin Monro using Photoshop 4 on a 68040 Macintosh. Using a royalty-free scan of a circular saw blade as a starting point, it was converted to 256 greyscales. The Atari logo was created using Digital Art's Vektor under MagiCMac 2.11 and saved as an EPS file. Imported into Photoshop, it was then positioned to appear to be under the oncoming blade. This was done by pasting a copy of the blade onto the original and moving it until it slightly overlapped the fuji logo. The original blade scan showed shadows under the saw teeth but these weren't dramatic enough so these were carefully removed and new ones added using Extensis PhotoTools, a graphics plug-in module for Photoshop. By using a Wacom ArtPad stylus together with PhotoTools' Bevel feature, the "hewn from rock" look of the logo was created. The background of the picture was then lightened to make the logo stand out further. Tiny scratches were applied to the "rock" logo and some of the saw teeth. Coarse airbrushing created extra corrosion effects. In total the montage involved up to sixteen layers and took about six hours to create.