** AC6 News pages / 1763 words ** Atari Computing back online! ** ACONWEB.GIF here ** Due to unforeseen circumstances Frank Charlton has not been able to update our original web pages so we've moved over to Zetnet. We intend to offer visitors regularly updated pages so do stop by and take a look. Let us know what you'd like to see online... ** BC on ** URL: http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/ataricomputing/ Email: ataricomputing@zetnet.co.uk ** BC off ** --- ** SYSTEM_S.GIF here ** CAB v2.5 CAB v2.5 should be available about now. The cost of this new version will be £29.95 with upgrades for existing CAB v2.0 owners costing £15. CAB v2.5 can merge NetScape and Microsoft Explorer bookmark files into the hotlist with most of the new features centring around lots of new modules: ** BL on ** * Download module: Handles binary files. * Steganography module: Hide cryptic messages in HTML pages. * AutoSurf module: Download entire websites automatically. * Cache tools: Extract and view files in the cache without having to wade through those cryptic filenames! * Hotlist checker: Checks which hotlist entries have changed or are no longer accessible. * CABalog module: Creates image catalogues automatically. ** BL off ** ** PPPCON.GIF here ** The increased price for CAB covers the inclusion of PPP-Connect, a TCP/IP stack and alternative to STiK/STiNG, which enables Atarians to connect to the internet using PPP (SLIP is also supported) for the first time! All configuration takes place from a GEM dialog, and it's straightforward to setup with no ASCII configuration files to contend with! PPP-Connect is programmed by Sven Kopacz, who also programs WinCom. PPP-Connect requires a pre-emptive multitasking OS which means MagiC, MultiTOS, N.AES and Mint are all fine but Geneva cannot be used. CAB is published by ASH and distributed in the UK by System Solutions who offer discount to InterActive registered CAB users. For more details check their ad in this issue. ** BC on ** Sales office: 119 Arthur Road, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 1RU Head office: 17-19 Blackwater Street, East Dulwich, London, SE22 8RS Email: Sales: sales@system-solutions.co.uk Quotes: atari-quotes@system-solutions.co.uk Technical Support: Software: stsoft-support@system-solutions.co.uk Hardware: sthard-support@system-solutions.co.uk ** BC off ** --- ** TC_LOGO.JPG here ** Nomai CD-ROM prices wrong! Titan forgot to add the VAT to the Nomai prices in this issue but will honour these prices as VAT inclusive anyway! All Nomai re-writable drives come complete with five free recordable CDs, two re-writable CDs and PC software. The kits also include an Advansys SCSI controller card with cabling for PC. Helleva offer? Titan Designs can supply the HADES computers from Medusa Computer Systems starting from £1299.00 including VAT. For this you get: ** BL on ** * 32/64MHz Motorola 68040 processor * 2.1Gb Enhanced IDE hard disk drive * 16Mb memory (60ns EDO) - upgradable to 1Gb! * ET6000 graphic card with 2Mb Video memory * 1.44Mb floppy disk drive * SCSI cabling, internal/external ports * Tower case, complete with PC keyboard and mouse * 4 PCI slots, 2 ISA slots, 1 VME slot, 8 SIMM sockets and TOS 3.06M ** BL off ** Faster Nemesis! ** NEM_50P.GIF here ** The next batch of Nemesis boards will support a 50MHz clock oscillator, which raises the highest speed by 4%. The 40MHz oscillator will remain the standard option. Titan sold out of Nemesis boards but by the time you read this they should be back in stock. ST LINK 97 This new ACSI to SCSI adapter for the ST/STe/TT range features a new interface which supports all the latest SCSI standards and devices. Cost £49.95. Geneva updated Geneva, the multitasking OS programmed by Gribnif software has been updated. A demo version and a release 006 patch archive is available for download from CiX or Gribnif's webpages, which can be accessed via the Titan webpages. Geneva remains at £59.95 or bundled with NeoDesk 4 for £79.95. All prices include VAT but carriage is extra, so please call Titan before placing an order. ** BC on ** Titan Designs/Black Scorpion Software 6 Witherford Way, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 4AX, England Tel: +44 (0)121 693 6669 Fax: +44 (0)121 414 1630 Email: 100345.2350@compuserve.com URL: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/TITANWEB/ ** BC off ** --- Free Atari Computing! Ronald J. Hall, SysOp of the DarkForce BBS in the US has come up with a cunning plan. He's going to pick one Atari caller at random each month and give them a three month subscription to Atari Computing absolutely free! All it takes to qualify is one phone call - even if you just logon, take a quick look around and logoff. Ronald is challenging other Atari SysOps to match his offer! The first DarkForce winner will be announced at the end of August, and the end of each month thereafter. May the force be with you Ronald! ** BC on ** Email: thechyld@pcc-uky.campus.mci.net ** BC off ** ** BBS_LOGO.GIF here ** --- Neuss 97! ** CITYHALL.JPG here ** ** MAP.JPG overlapped if you like ** The world's largest Atari show will take place the town hall in Neuss, Germany on the Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th of October 1997. The doors will open at 10am and close at 6pm both days. Neuss is very close to Düsseldorf so if you're travelling long distance head there first. Once in Neuss look for the signs to the Stadthalle and special show signs. Around 50 exhibitors from all over Europe are expected to attend with plenty of products making their debut at the show. ** LOGO.JPG here ** ** MILAN.JPG overlapped if you like ** Amongst the highlights will be the Milan TOS compatible computer sporting a Motorola 68040 CPU running at 66MHz, PS/2 EDO memory from 1Mb to 512Mb, an enhanced IDE controller for up to four IDE units, four PCI and three ISA slots running a modified TOS 3.06. Add on SCSI and Falcon compatibility cards are expected to follow. A complete system including graphic card, 8Mb memory, 270Mb-540Mb, keyboard and mouse will be 1499 DM approximatelyx £550). The Phoenix TOS compatible computer is also expected to be presented by French company Centek. UK companies expected to attend include Titan Designs, 16/32 Systems and Atari Computing. We'll be promoting the magazine and news gathering for future issues so if you're attending the show please do come and say Hi! --- ** FASTLOGO.GIF here ** ST Applications offline The online version of ST Applications has been discontinued. Subscribers to the online version will have their subscriptions to the printed magazine extended accordingly. This doesn't signal a move away from the Atari scene in fact the FaST club's web site is being relaunched on 1st September 1997 featuring "A truely interactive and constantly updated web site" - should be well worth a hotlist entry! UVK v7.0 ** UVK.GIF here ** The Ultimate Virus Killer (UVK), formerly distributed in the UK by Douglas Communications, is now handled by the FaST club. UVK v7.0 is available now for £9.95 (an introductory saving of £3 off the RRP of £12.95). Upgrades from any previous version are also available for just £2.95. Enclose original master disk with order. Here's a few new features: ** BL on ** * Recognises and destroys the Pharaoh and Carpe Diem viruses along with over 100 other bootsector and link viruses. * Gemulator and MagiC! compatible. * 200 innocent new bootsectors added, a total of 797 bootsectors can now be restored from 1830 recognised. Imagecopy 4.1 ** IMAGCOPY.GIF here ** This latest update includes far too many new features to list here but here's a few highlights: ** BL on ** * New read image formats supported: APX blocks, XBM images and 320x200 XGA images. * Support for the AV protocol, Drag&Drop and iconification. * IMGs can be saved in VDI palette order, custom palette support. * Image grabs can use GEM routines instead of LineA routines - ideal for use with emulators. * The top window, with or without border gadgets, can be grabbed automagically. * New options to catalogue images - ideal for keeping track of clip art CDs. * All known bugs eradicated! ** BL off ** Imagecopy 4.1 costs £24.95 (or £29.95 for a version which additionally supports the PhotoCD format). Upgrades from Imagecopy 4 cost £4.95. Upgrades from Imagecopy 2, 3 or 3.5 cost £9.95. Upgrades from Imagecopy 1 or 1.5 cost £14.95. Master disks do not need to be returned if upgrading from Imagecopy 4, for all other upgrades return master disk one. A new manual costs an additional £2.95 and £1.25 post and packing should be added to all orders. ** BC on ** FaST Club, PO BOX 101, Nottingham, NG2 7NN Tel: +44 (0)115 945 5250 Fax: +44 (0)115 914 0545 Email: stclub@cix.co.uk URL: http://www.cix.co.uk/~sta/ ** BC off ** --- 1997 Adventurers' Convention Date: Saturday, 11th October 1997, 9am - 6pm Venue: The Royal Angus Thistle Hotel, Birmingham This event is now in its 8th year and attracts adventure game enthusiasts from all over the UK. The convention caters for all formats and if you want to bring along hardware and/or software to sell tables are provided. At least one machine for nearly every computer format should be up and running on the day. They'll be a 'Megapoints' competition running throughout the day which involves playing a text-based adventure game called "There's a hole in my bucket!". The adventure is programmed by Karen Tyers and it runs on Spectrums, you have 20 minutes to score as many points as you can. Prizes will be awarded to the three adventurers who score the most points!! Tickets are available now priced at £8 per person. Ticket application forms can be ordered from: ** BC on ** Email: larry.horsfield@explosion.nemesis.co.uk Larry Horsfield, 40 Harvey Gardens, Charlton, London, SE7 8AJ ** BC off ** --- Snippets Floppyshop changes Floppyshop have moved their website to Zetnet and the new webpages are now active. The site includes full ST and Falcon catalogues along with demo versions of their commercial releases. ** BC on ** URL: http://www.users.zetnet.co.uk/sdelaney/downloads.html Email: sdelaney@zetnet.co.uk ** BC off ** --- Atari Angst? Who you going to call? Try Dannie Colquhoun. He's prepared to help readers with Atari technical problems: ** BC on ** Dannie Colquhoun Atari Help Line (UK), 59 Groathill Road North, Edinburgh, EH4 2RZ Tel: +44 (0)131 332 9323 Fax: +44 (0)131 334 6366 ** BC off ** --- Alive & Kicking! Fans of Vanessa Mae, may be interested to know the notes on her album credit Atari computers. She joins the huge list of musicians that have used, or still use, their Ataris to make music. Here's just a few: KLF, Tangerine Dream, Front Line Assembly, Jean Michel Jarre, Camouflage, Yes, and 808 State. There is a band in Sweden called "Just D" that released a song called "Our Atari". And recently an audio engineer, interviewed in EQ magazine, claimed Cubase Audio Falcon was his "secret weapon". He devoted a whole paragraph to talking about what it could do. Rap group Rebel MC like Ataris so much they even included the lyrics "Wait a minute while I reset the Atari" in one of their tracks!