** 1 page regular user group / 913 words ** ** boxout ** This page is for user groups all around the world - not just the UK. If you're involved with a user group and would like to publicise meetings, events and so on please do get in touch: ** BC on ** Atari Computing (User Groups) "Rois Bheinn", Overton Crescent, Johnstone, PA5 8JB Scotland Email: ataricomputing@cix.co.uk NeST: 90:100/315.0@nest.ftn ** BC off ** ** end boxout ** SHAGing in June ** SHAGLOGO.GIF here ** Jeremy Beadle Attendance at our third meet was our best yet, with 28 including ourselves. More people are expected next time around so we have organised an adjoining room to be made available if we need it. The usual crew were there tapping away along with some familiar faces from other Atari Groups, we gave a warm welcome to Derryck Croker (Cheshunt Computer Club) and Richard Spowart (Wessex Atari Group) and hopefully we can reciprocate by visiting other User Groups to exchange experience and ideas and have a great time of course. The tables were chock-a-block this month with the usual mix of Falcons, STFM and STe machines but Danny McAleer (Electronic cow) bought along a Stacey laptop - a lovely piece of Atari hardware and the first one many of us had seen. Activities this month were even less structured than normal mainly due to the increased workload caused by our expanded Newsletter but most people seemed contented. We did manage to fit in a MIDI demonstration by birthday boy Gordon Storey - who was left momentarily speechless by our rendition of Happy Birthday! I made another of my now infamous speeches, although this time I was better prepared and following requests to hold an additional meet on a Saturday (similar to the WAG formula) this was duly proposed and passed. The first Saturday SHAG meet will be held on 5th July 1997 and the first Saturday of the month after that so do come along. ** BC on ** NeST: 90:102/200.3@nest.ftn ** BC off ** NAG Meeting and ST+ Convention Richard Spowart After quite a wait owing to initial planning and sorting out, the first meeting of NAG (Northants Atari Group) was held on the last Bank Holiday weekend in May and doubled up as the ST+ convention. The meeting and convention was held at Dave Hollis's house in Northampton, and was attended by plenty of people from the UK Atari scene including Chris Holland (Maggie disk mag), Peter Augustin, Keefy (Keith Dunn WARP disk mag), Jeremy Beadle and Gordon Storey (from SHAG), Dale Wright, Max, Tony Greenwood (STOS maestro) and others whose names escaped me - sorry! The convention was spread over two days with little or no sleep for anyone who stayed overnight. A real time article was set in motion and contributed to by most people at some point during the event - this is included in the ST+ Show Special. There was plenty of computing going on throughout the house, two Falcons in the kitchen - mine was connected pretty much permanently to IRC #Atari, where we chatted worldwide and the other was running a preview of Maggie 23. One ST was running the realtime article and we even had a tame PC PC running Pacifist, an interesting ST emulator. Overall a very enjoyable weekend. We'd like to organise other similar events in the future so if you're interested do get in touch. ** BC on ** Northants Atari Group Dave Hollis 43 Spenfield Court Lings Northampton NN3 8LZ Tel: +44 (0)1604 416951 ** BC off ** TBAG (The Bay Atari Group) Darren Emmett On 20th July TBAG held its first meeting. Despite the fine weather, car boot sales and free concerts on the prom we managed eight attendees. Steve Cowans had VidiST hooked up and we tried to get some grabs of Iron Soldier 2 on the Jaguar but without success. Steve's kids put two Jaguars through their paces and we spent the time discussing alternatives to buying PCs! After a good gossip and exchange of addresses/phone numbers we all departed happy and wiser - well I was at least! If you live in the Bay/Lancs area and would like to attend a meeting at make contact with other people using our wonderful machines please do get in touch. ** BC on ** The Bay Atari Group 17 Draycombe Drive Heysham Lancs LA3 1LN Tel: +44(0)1524 854454 NeST: 90:100/301.17@nest.ftn Email: DEmmett@fffnet.demon.co.uk ** BC off ** The White Rose Atari Group (WRAG) ** WHT_ROSE.JPG here ** WRAG are still going strong but they're looking for new premises for meetings. If you know of anywhere they could use, or you are interested in joining get in touch with the organisers at: ** BC on ** The White Rose Atari Group Stephen F Barszczak 14 Camberley Mount, Holmewood, Bradford. BD4 9HD. Tel: +44(0)1274 826353 Email: wrag@tdm-bbs.demon.co.uk NeST: 90:100/402.0@nest.ftn ** BC off ** Houston Atari Computer Enthusiasts (HACE) ** HLOGOSML.GIF here ** An American user group centred around the Houston area. For more information contact: ** BC on ** Bill Roberts Email: sledge@wl.net ** BC off ** Atari Users Association of Sweden (SAK) (Svenska Atariklubben) ** LOGO3.GIF here ** The Swedish Atariclub is a non-profit-making association for Atariusers. The Club has about 600 members of different ages, spread across the whole country. Through information, courses and other similar means they encourage the use of Atari computers. All SAK members a magazine called Atarimagasinet four to five times each year. for more information contact SAK: ** BC on ** Jesper Kock (Chairman/SysOp at Kockens BBS): Tel: +46(0)46 25 02 56 FiDo: 2:200/423.0@FidoNet ** BC off **