** Shareware/1 page/730 words ** Billy Boy Ever-youthful, Shiuming (Boy) Lai tries a new kids game... STOSSER Software is currently churning out new games at an impressive rate - two issues ago it was Diamond Ice, and now we have Billy Boy, another platformer, but this time aimed at the younger player. That's not to say it's any less well produced, because to be fair, it's arguably one of STOSSER's finest to date! So what's the game this time? Well it's extremely simple, even I could understand it! The aim is to get out of the various fantasy worlds by finding the guardian, who will let Billy Boy out and onto the next. Along the way, Billy's travels are peppered with lots of baddies, which sap his energy upon contact - some of them can be temporarily driven into the ground by stomping on their heads. Collecting the food scattered around the imaginatively designed levels bumps up the score. Yellow stars are also worth collecting, and to add an extra challenge, there is a flying balloon with a mind of its own on each level. This displays a letter at most times, and once these are all collected to form the word "BONUS" full health is awarded on the next level. Initially, the game is so simple anyone can get a feel for the game. After the first three levels though, it becomes apparent a modicum of the squidgy grey stuff between the ears is required to get any further! In an unobtrusive manner, to avoid scaring the novice with complications, special objects reveal secret pink stars which need to be collected to pass the checkpoints set at intervals of a few levels. Another subtle touch is the navigation arrows hinting in the background. Control is a doddle and needs no explanation - the response of the main sprite is rapid and doesn't detract from the gameplay. That's all there is to it - simple and fun! The graphics are bright, bold and drawn to a high standard. Animation is good too, brimming with detail, and even the backgrounds always have something happening to keep it looking lively. A breezy tune bops along to the proceedings, accompanied by nice sampled sound effects on STe machines. All this adds up to a package which really puts some recent commercial offerings to shame. Like Diamond Ice and the last few STOSSER releases, Billy Boy is commentware. This means the authors don't want money, but just an honest opinion of what users think. Due to a very poor feedback in the past a new registration key system has been implemented to encourage feedback - otherwise certain features remain disabled. To register, send comments, along with your details to STOSSER, and in return you'll receive a key to unlock the disabled features. I'm hoping you'll all give STOSSER some feedback on this one because he'll pack it in if enough people don't respond. In the words of the programming team, it's very depressing to think nobody cares about the effort they put into making free quality games! The next planned release, HERO 2 (a sequel to an earlier commercial offering), is a 4Mb STe minimum(!) title - I can't wait so get your feedback in! ** boxout ** Sound advice The game does not check the STe DMA sound replay speed, so if another program which affects this setting has been used first the in-game sound effects may sound wrong. To solve this problem using Atari's SAM (System Audio Manager) assign a 25kHz sample to some rarely-used key and press this prior to running Billy Boy - this sets the correct speed. ** End of boxout ** ** Product box ** Product name: Billy Boy Publisher: STOSSER Software Contact: PD libraries/on-line services: URL: http://www.airtime.co.uk/users/stosser/ Requires: ST/STe only, 320x200 resolution (ST low), 1Mb memory Pros: Doesn't cost a sausage, hard-disk friendly, top-notch graphics and gameplay Cons: Some fatal hazards but only one life to get past them Scores: Graphics: 90% Sound: 90% Gameplay: 90% Overall: 90% ** End of boxout ** ** Images and captions ** ** INTRO.GIF ** ** No caption ** ** MENU.GIF ** The music even fades in as the curtains open to reveal the playfield ** LEVEL1.GIF ** Grab all the stars, and touch that balloon on the far right ** MINE.GIF ** Watch out for the creepy eyes blinking in the background - get out of there fast! ** MACHINE.GIF ** Walk past that strange contraption on the left and it makes a funny noise...