** 0.3 page PD/Shareware review / 239 words ** Rating: 91% Stamps Values v1.1 ** On Reader disk logo here ** ** STAMPCOM.GIF here ** Utility/Business Freeware, all Ataris Mark Baines has added yet another CPX to his collection. Stamp Values is a postage calculator which shows the combination of stamps necessary to make up any desired value. To use it, simply open up the CPX and enter the value of your letter/parcel in the Value box then click on the Calc button. One or more boxes representing the stamps you need will be displayed - it couldn't be easier! If the exact postage required cannot be made up from the values in your personal datafile the nearest combination over the value required is displayed - to avoid underpayment. Like most of Mark's CPXs editable ASCII datafiles are included - two in this case. The first contains all possible stamp values and the second contains those you personally have available. By editing the datafiles you can even give priority to certain values which makes sense because most of us are more likely to have 1st and 2nd Class values to hand - Mark may add direct support for this feature in a future version, depending on feedback. There's also no reason why the datafile couldn't be changed for use in other countries so why not edit the datafiles for your own use send Mark a copy to include with the main distribution? ** BC on ** Email: msbaines@cix.co.uk URL: http://www.stsd.demon.co.uk/linnhe.html ** BC off ** ** Italics on ** Joe Connor ** Italics off **