----------------------------------------- --== Zero-X ==-- DIGITAL SOUND PROCESSING SOFTWARE for Atari ----------------------------------------- News since pre-release 1.a ========================== * Mix: Block mark an area (in block mode) and Copy it to the clipboard. Block mark a new area in the same sample or load a new sample. Select Mix; the contents of your clipboard will be mixed together with the block marked area. * FDI: Better working FDI support * Lots of minor bug fixes and changes. * Several menus has been re-placed for a more intuitive user interface. * Improved SCSI SMDI support. * Improved SDS Midi support (especially for ST/STE users). Transfer via midi SDS will now work with more samplers (that supports SDS). * Improved precision in Split drums (but it will get even better) * CalcBPM: calculates the BPM between the LoopStart and LoopEnd. Note that correct Sample Rate must be set in the Header. * SetBPMLoopEnd: Set your LoopStart, Select SetBPMLoopEnd and enter required BPM and your LoopEnd will be set to that BPM. * AutoDrumLoop: Set your LoopStart, mark the area where the LoopEnd should be and select AutoDrumLoop. Your LoopEnd will be set to a position that equals the LoopStart. Note that you need a drum loop that has been sampled just a little bit before and a little bit after the loop. --- 9501xx --- * Save Midi file: Yes, it's finally here! After a SplitDrum has been performed, you can select Save Midi file; then a Standard Midi file will be created that you can load into most sequencers (CuBase etc). It contains information on when, the drums in your loop were played. It will place the drums on keys C2 -->. Not available in the Demo version! * New Levels menu. Please note that the default values SHOULD be Respone :200 Fine Response :400 Gate :1500 If you are running Split drums and you want more split positions, decrease Response, if you want less increase Response. If the split positions are so late (you can hear the following drum click), increase Fine Response. If you want to get rid of split positions that are at a very low volume, increase Gate. * Enhanced SplitSetting menu New settings for midi file and CalcBPM functions * More information on connected SCSI device. In Settings, when you CHANGE SCSI ID you will get an error message if there is no SMDI with that SCSI ID connected. In TransferControl the SCSI unit name will be displayed even if its not a SMDI SCSI. Send and Receive will be disabled if you have no SMDI device connected. --- 950113 --- * Swap channels * Mix stereo to Mono; Mixes the two channels in a stereo sample into a mono sample. The max volume of the mono mix will be the same as the max volume in the stereo sample. * SCSI Akai S1000/S1100, Falcon & TT only; This has not been tested! Please send us bug reports! * "Bug" fix; The current zoom mode remains after a clipboard operation. * You will be notified if a new zero_x.cfg file will be created. * Fast dymamic movement of block markers and Drum Split markers. They will step one pixel on screen in all zoom levels. --- 950131 --- * Reverse block; just what it sounds like * Clipboard to Stereo; you are now finally able to create a stereo sample from two different mono samples, the sample in the clipboard will be the right channel and the current sample will be the left channel * Insert SplitDrumPosition, insets a split drum marker in the middle of the current one * Move SplitDrumPosition, the keys as moving block markers, slow but it works ;-), we plan to add drag and drop later on. * Check SCSI, button in settings with lots of new SCSI errors messages added. If you change SCSI ID in setting, Zero-X will also perform a Check SCSI. * Akai SCSI button but no protocol ;-), still working on it. If you have an Akai with SCSI, try the Check SCSI button in the settings and please let us know what message you get. * More checking and less bugs when Converting files. --- 950222 --- * Toolbar in the Sample Window!!!! A much needed upgrade of the user interface. Expect to see the icons improved later on. We have just included some quickly designed icons. You are welcome to send us suggestions for the layout and design. * High speed movement of any markers in the SampleWindow. Keep press when you move the markers (by using the keyboard commands or using the toolbar) * New representation of XFade (cross fade). * Some bug fixes: - Export .RAW now works again. - Akai S-1000 SCSI works a little better... Please test and report! --- 950223 --- * Much improved Convert sample frequency. Very high quality! * User define Zoom level (an icon in the Toolbar). --- 950224 --- * Dynamic Zoom; Zoom In and Out takes bigger steps the closer it gets to the Overview and smaller the closer it gets to 1:1. This gives you a *much* faster zoom. --- 950302 --- * Several minor bug fixes and more error messages. * Improved Akai SCSI support, but still beta... Please lend us an Akai S1000 with SCSI!!!! --- 950308 --- * Basic support for importing a SampleCell PC-Wav file. Loop-positions are supported. * Much improved import of different PC-Wav formats. * Several minor bug fixes. --- 950310 --- * Several bug fixes regarding Clipboard functions. --- 950314 --- * Several bug fixes regarding Clipboard functions (again), and other minor problems (.cfg file, etc). * Major improvements on Akai S-1000 SCSI receive, still not perfect though. --- 950316 --- * Some minor bug fixes regarding Clipboard functions. --- 950319 version 1.0 --- * Bug fixes regarding 'Set Frequency' (F030/STe), replay frequency (STe), lock of soundsystem, setting markers at beginning of sample window, playing directly after receiving from midi or scsi. * FDI now works on stereo samples only. If you want to listen to a mono sample at FDI-frequencies, you must first convert the sound to stereo. * Removed autorepeat of some toolbar buttons. * SCSI-Receive for Akai S-1000 now works, but is very slow. We will improve this as soon as possible. New functions that are written but not yet 100% included ======================================================== * DSP for AutoLoop/AutoSearch * PeakSearch on a file larger than current RAM. Bugs that we know of (and will fix A.S.A.P): ============================================ * SCSI support for K2000 does not work * SCSI support for Akai S-1000 is still beta, please send us reports on this. * Mouse key repeat rate is to high when not using WINX, please use WINX!! * the File Selector is something not completely erase when not using Selectric, please use Selectric!! Functions that we are currently working on: =========================================== * SCSI Ensoniq, Falcon & TT only (not much left) * More FDI support; "Sample" from the FDI * Lots of speed improvements in the Clipboard functions. Functions that we plan to add quite soon: ========================================= * Resample at a new pitch. * Resample at a new BPM. * Enhance the midi receive performance. Our current midi receive function has problems with Ensoniq sampler when run on a 8 MHz 68000 (ST/STE). * Sound support on a ST * ASCI support (this may take a while though) * Playback of a Standard Midi file (i.e. via MIDI) Functions that we plan to add: ============================== * Time Strech (probably Falcon DSP only) * Playback directly from disk (Falcon only) * Basic D2D editing (Falcon only) Please let us know what new functions *you* would like to see in Zero-X! --------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information on Zero-X contact your local Atari dealer or: Copson Data, Ph. int+46-13-16 41 04 Fax int+46-13-16 41 04 Vinga System AB, Fax int+46-13-81 21 39 Internet peter@vinga.trillium.se Peter Segerdahl, Ph. int+46-31-42 55 28 (evenings/weekends only) distributor Germany: SoundPool,Postfach 1112,D-74373 Zaberfeld Ph. int.+49-7046-90215 Fax int.+49-7046-90315