CALC9534.ZIP 313836 11/02/96 Sci/eng/stats/fin/conversion calculator | | Calc95 version 3.34 is a 32-bit Windows | scientific/engineering | statistics and financial calculator with a | wide range of built- | in units conversions and physical constants. | It is very | compact on the desktop and can be customised. CV35332.ZIP 1323980 11/14/96 Convert It! SE 3.53 Ultimate unit of | measure conversion utility for MS Windows. 15 | catagories of conversions with a custom you | set up. You can edit the conversion factors, | add, change or delete units. Turn off the | conversions you don't need. Catagories | include Temperature, Mass, Volume, Time, | Area, Angle and more. Customizable. 32-bit | version. In use by many Fortune 500, FedGov. | and individuals. CV35416.ZIP 491725 12/23/96 Convert It! SE 3.53 16-bit Ultimate | unit of measure conversion utility for MS | Windows. 15 catagories of conversions with a | custom you set up. You can edit the | conversion factors, add, change or delete | units. Turn off the conversions you don't | need. Catagories include Temperature, Mass, | Volume, Time, Area, Angle and more. Customize | it for the way YOU work. In use by many | Fortune 500, FedGov. and individuals. SMTSUM.ZIP 410942 04/22/96 SmartSum Calculator v1.6 - Windows based | talking printing calculator (no sound card | needed). Host of features including | loading/saving of calculations; notes by | entries; user-defineable macros; correction | of previous entries with automatic | recalculation; interfaces with any Windows | Spreadsheet; sales tax type calculations; | supplied conversion macros; 10 memories; and | much more!