COLLEGE.ZIP 22779 11/15/96 This program contains the necessary, hard to | find information for obtaining your college | degree from home. This is a listing of over | 100 schools that offer Bachelor's, Master's, | Associate's and Doctorate's and Law degrees | from home. There is complete, detailed | information about each program including: | tuition, majors, degrees offered, key contact | people, address, phone, fax, and toll-free | phone (if available). SELING20.ZIP 480967 01/03/97 Selingua is a vocabulary training program | with extensive built-in dictionaries - more | than 2000 words in each of the following | languages: English (both American and | British), German, Spanish, French and | Swedish. The program can be used by native | speakers of any of these languages. There are | six different exercises for practising | vocabulary and verb inflections, including a | crossword exercise. WIT21.ZIP 937846 04/10/96 How old was Paul Revere when he rode into | story? How many years separated Cortez and | Michelangelo? You decide which people and | events to include. Sort and select by | individual people and events, or groups and | factions, Modify or expand the datasets. WIT | is used by history and art students, | teachers, genealogists. | | Ver 2.1 adds maps, photos and other images