The Wall Street Digest has an article, "U.S.A. Bankrupt in 1995?" Will there be a depression? I firmly believe if we can keep our Constitution and expose the FED, we will have prosperity. NWO wants people to endorse their ideas. If the masses find out the truth, people will demand change. People do not want to be cheated, enslaved, lied to, or destroyed. Human nature will force us to cry out for our freedoms. Please do everything you can to inform people about the FED. If we are intentionally put into a depression and people know the FED is responsible, there will be a rebellion. THE "FED-UP" PLAN OF ACTION IMMEDIATE ATTENTION 1. Today there is a movement to overhaul my Constitution and Government. The parties behind this movement are being exposed. For example, Nelson Rockefeller, former President of the U.S. Senate, introduced bill HCR28 calling for an unlimited Constitutional Convention. One wonders about the word unlimited. The Rockefeller Foundation, in 1974, published a proposed new Constitution. This Constitution proposed ending almost all of the rights we now enjoy. This would change our government to a Parliamentary Government. The 50 States would be reorganized into 10 Regions. To keep our rights, we must prevent this Constitutional Convention from taking place. We do not need an Amendment to balance the budget. By simply following Article 1 Section 8 of our Constitution and returning the responsibility of the privately owned FED back to the government, we could cut taxes by 75%, balance the budget, and keep our rights. To do this, call the HOTLINE at: (217) 854-7504 Specific information is given, telling you who to call or write. If thousands of real Americans working together do this, we will make a difference. 2. Abolish the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. By distributing information on this fraud, the masses will become informed. Ask others to help distribute information. Mail teabags to your Senators and Congress- person anonymously. Include a handwritten note saying: "Abolish the FED...No to Cashless Society...No to United Nations Troops in U.S.A. ... No to the FED New World Order and the proposed international money...No to the proposed U.N. treaty to end our Constitution. Uphold The Constitution As You Are Sworn To Do!" Call the U.S. Capital switchboard at 202/224-3121 for federal lawmakers' names and addresses or contact your local library. 3. Call and write to the media, political parties, and businesses, telling them you want to keep our Constitution. Tell them they are losing people's confidence by not exposing the truth. Ask them for equal time if they won't listen. Tell them you want to secure your rights as they are in the Constitution. 4. Request that your lawmakers abolish the privately owned FED and return to the intent of the Constitution. Force them to determine what side they are on. You need to know who the enemy is. 5. Meet with your state lawmaker and explain that if we abolish the FED the economy will expand. There will be less unemployment and more sales tax to help balance he State budget. Ask your Mayor or Village President to join in the effort. 6. Join the Council on Domestic Relations (CDR) to work with local, state, and national lawmakers to preserve our Constitution. For information, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Ms. Jackie Patru, P.O. Box 3362, Springfield, Illinois, 62708. Once the FED is abolished and we end the special interest of a select few, we can return to the intent of our forefathers, having "we the people" control our Congress. DID THE FED CREATE THE 1929 DEPRESSION? YES!! Read "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustance Mullins. It is well documented on how the FED knowingly inflated the economy. By giving loans to people to buy stock in the stock market and then quickly withdrawing these loans, this took money out of the economy causing the depression. The FED informed certain individuals, in writing, to get out of the stock market and invest in government bonds by a certain date. About one month later the stock market crashed and so began the Great Depression of 1929. Now, those individuals had enough money, as planned, to buy up the media and other companies at 10 cents on the dollar. There can be great profit in a crisis if you know what to do beforehand. The current FED owners are capable of the same tactics today. How powerful are the bankers? Do you remember the $2 bill that President Kennedy printed? Why did it say United States Note and not Federal Reserve Note? His intent was to abolish the FED. If he would have lived the FED would have lost $4,000,000,000,000. That's right, four trillion dollars. The media failed to reveal that the Warren Commission was staffed by people who headed banks or would soon be Bank Presidents. Their report revealed that there was no conspiracy. You decide who is going to win back America. You decide if America will be prosperous or bankrupt. You decide if you will DEMAND CHANGE. DISTRIBUTED BY: FED-UP, INC, P.O. BOX 681164, SCHAUMBURG, ILLINOIS, 60168-1164 (The above was taken from State Citizens BBS 818-888-9882) ------------------------------------------------ (This file was found elsewhere on the Internet and uploaded to the Patriot FTP site by S.P.I.R.A.L., the Society for the Protection of Individual Rights and Liberties. E-mail