* USERS vs SYSOPS * Okay you finally have that new computer almost figured out. After reading all the computer magazines you can get your hands on. You decide to buy a modem, and try calling a computer bulletin board (BBS). The usual requirment for signing on a bbs is some basic information. Name, address, phone number, etc. Sounds pretty easy right? Wrong! If you have a non-published non-listed phone number, think twice about signing on that board. Oh sure, a message may say all information is kept strictly confidential. But is it? Not every bbs is what it appears. I have seen users who have had death threats made against them. Telephone harassment. And yes, users who have lost money because of dishonest sysops. Please don't get me wrong. 99% of all bulletin boards are run by honest people, and the users are more of a problem than the sysop. But there is that rare exception to the rule. Before signing on a new bbs. Talk with some people who have tried the board, or know the sysop. If you want to keep your personal phone number really secure, use your business number. This way the sysop can call you to verify the information you gave him. You may be surprised to know that many users try to get on boards using false information. In closing I would like to say that most sysops are eager to help the new user and you will never have a problem. If you do,,, try to work it out with the sysop. If you can't, exclude that number from your list, tell your friends, and if you feel a crime was committed, call someone in law enforcement. A.J. Marhofke (user & sysop)