AGE OF SAIL Readme VERSION 1.05 4/97 Fixed bug that resulted in bow/stern chasers being reloaded "endlessly" when all available bow or stern chaser guns had been destroyed. Fixed Help button in Ship Editor Dialog. VERSION 1.04 2/97 (US/French) To delete a campaign character, Select "Campaign Game" from the menu screen, click on "No" when asked if you wish to create a new character, click on the name of the character you wish to remove, then Select "Delete". Modified the Range Indicator so that it displays the correct, shorter maximum range of a ship equipped only with carronades, and displays no range for any side of a ship that has no functioning guns. Added a "Rules..." button in the A/I Selection Dialog. Selecting this button allows the player to use one or more of the following optional rules (note that optional rules can be selected/deselected only at the *start* of the game): SHIP REPAIR RULES: This permits ship damage to be repaired. When this rule is in effect, the "Toggle Repairs" menu item in the Ship Menu can be used to start/stop repairs on the Selected ship. (Holding down the Ctrl key when Selecting the "Toggle Repairs" menu item will start/stop repairs on the Selected ship's squadron, provided *every* ship in that squadron meets the requirements individually.) Once implemented, repairs to the hull, sails and guns of the Selected ship (or squadron) will begin automatically. For a ship to initiate repairs, it may not be turning, reloading or changing sails. A ship being repaired cannot turn, fire, reload or change sails. GOING INTO IRONS: This rule affects the ability of a ship to turn into the wind. When it is in effect, a probability exists that a ship turning into the wind may have difficulty completing its turn. The ability to complete the turn - thus avoiding "going into irons" (i.e., coming to a halt facing into the wind) - during the turn is based on the present wind force, the condition of the sails, and the quality and strength of the crew. Once a ship is in irons, the player cannot help to free it by giving it further Turning orders. The ship will not move again until the program determines that it may - at which time it will complete its turn automatically. The same probability of going into irons applies to staying in irons, so the worse off a ship is in terms of crew strength/quality, the condition of its sails and the force of the wind, the longer it will tend to remain in irons. BOW/STERN CHASERS: This rule enables a ship to use a few of its guns to fire at targets directly ahead of or behind it. When it is in effect, Selecting the Bow/Stern Chasers item in the Ship Menu will toggle this ability on/off for the Selected ship. Toggling it "on" incurs a delay while the guns "reload" (no delay occurs when it is toggled "off"). While the bow/stern chasers are "on", the ammo-type-loaded icon on the right-hand side of the unit's data area in the Unit List is used to show the ammunition type and reload-status of the bow chasers, and the left-hand one shows the same information about the stern chasers. Added an "Optional Rules" menu item in the Options Menu. This menu item displays the optional rules in effect for the current scenario. Optional rules can be set only at the beginning of a scenario, and cannot be changed once the scenario has begun. Once in effect, an optional rule remains in effect for subsequent new scenarios until deselected. SCENARIO EDITOR: In Full Screen mode (i.e., when the Unit List is hidden) in the Scenario Editor, the basic data for the Selected ship (its name, speed, hull and sail %s, crew size and number of guns) appear in the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen. Added "Name", "Rate", "Nation" and "Year" sorting options to the Ship Dialog in the Scenario Editor. The information in the Ship Dialog is now: the ship's name; its rating; its total number of guns; and the first year it is available for use in a scenario. The various data associated with the ship currently Selected in the Ship Dialog can be viewed by either double-clicking on the entry or by clicking on the "Edit" button. This will display the Ship Edit Dialog. An explanation of the data that appear in the Ship Edit Dialog can be found by Selecting the Help button in this dialog. The Ship Edit Dialog may also be used to create *new* ships. The data of the game's original ships cannot be modified, but may be used as the basis for new ships. Once created, the data of new ships may be modified/replaced. To create a new ship, display the data of an existing ship as explained above, then edit the data as you wish. Be sure to give the ship a new - and unique - name. Then click on the "Add" button, and the ship will be added to the end of the list of existing ships. Once created, a ship can be used in a new scenario. It cannot be deleted, but may be modified or overwritten in any way desired. To change the data of a new ship that has already been added to the list of existing ships, edit the data as desired and then click on the "Replace" button. Since ships that have already been placed on the map are not displayed in the list of ships, all editing of ship data should be done prior to the creation/modification of scenarios that will use those ships. VERSION 1.03 1/97 (demo release) Fixed bug that sometimes allowed ships with no guns or no crew to fire. The names of sunken ships no longer appear in the Ship List. VERSION 1.02 12/96 (US/German) Removed Fog of War for surrendered ships. Removed Fog of War at end of scenario. Improved A/I ammo-reloading algorithms. Added error message for attempts to change to Battle Sail on ships of rate 10 or higher. Fixed melee bug where last of marines were eliminated but crew losses were not always taken in the same result. Fixed truncation error that showed ships with hull percentages less than 1% as 0%. Worked on various aspects of the Campaign Game: * Encounter types and number of ships * Scenario balance * Ships' positions at start of scenario * Increased scenario time limit * Character's new ship type when his present ship is sunk or captured VERSION 1.01 12/96 (UK) DISPLAY MENU: Two new selections have been added to the Display menu. SHIP LIST: Selecting this menu item displays a dialog box containing the name of every ship in the battle. Left-click once on a name to scroll the map to that ship and Select it. Double-click on the name to scroll to the ship, Select it, and close the Jump Window. JUMP WINDOW: Selecting this menu item displays a smaller version of the map, with all ships in the scenario displayed on it. The white rectangle indicates the area currently on-screen. Left-click once on the Jump Window to scroll the map to that spot. Double-click on it to both scroll to that spot and close the Jump Window. SHIP DATA: In Full Screen mode (i.e., when the Unit List is hidden), the basic data for a ship (its name, speed, hull and sail %s, crew size and number of guns) can be displayed in the Status Bar at the bottom of the screen by Selecting that ship. DAMAGE REPORT: In Full Screen mode, Damage Report info is now displayed in the Status Bar when an attack is made. WIND DISPLAY: In Full Screen mode, the Wind Display now remains on-screen. Fixed Ship List and Scenario Title crashes in the Scenario Editor.