====================== Welcome to Sidekick 98 ====================== README File This document contains information about Sidekick 98. We recommend that you read it, and print it for future reference. Note: Sidekick 98 runs only on Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 and higher. ======== CONTENTS ======== 1. Installation 2. What's New 3. Unimodem V 4. Frequently Asked Questions 5. The Electronic User's Guide 6. Register and Win! =============== 1. INSTALLATION =============== Installation of Sidekick 98 is fast and easy. Please note the following information about installing: * To use Sidekick 98, you must be running Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 and above. * If you are a PalmPilot 1000 or 5000 user, note that installing Sidekick 98 means that you will be using Starfish TrueSync to synchronize your Sidekick data with your PalmPilot, instead of synchronizing via Pilot Desktop 1.0 or 2.0. Re-install Pilot Desktop to use it after installing Sidekick 98. * If you are upgrading from Sidekick 95, Internet Sidekick, Sidekick 97, or REX TrueSync Information Manager, you can open your files in Sidekick 98 by selecting File | Open from the menu and indicating the location of your data files. By default, Sidekick data files reside in a Userdata folder in the application's folder. For example, Sidekick 97 data files, by default, reside in c: \Program Files\Starfish\Sidekick 97\Userdata. To install Sidekick 98, just insert the CD-ROM and follow the Setup instructions, or, if you have downloaded Sidekick 98 from the Web, follow the installation instructions on the Web site. If you wish to take advantage of the unique Internet scheduling capabilities of Sidekick, you'll need to provide details of your current e-mail settings during the installation process. These preferences can be changed later while running Sidekick 98. ============= 2. WHAT'S NEW ============= Here is a summary of the new features in Sidekick 98: - GENERAL * NEW! TrueSync. Automatically synchronize data between Sidekick 98 and your PalmPilot handheld device. * NEW! Web Publisher. Publish calendars and cardfiles in fully formatted and linked HTML files for sharing on the Internet or corporate intranets. * NEW! Support for vCard and vCalendar: easily drag and drop vCard and vCalendar objects into the Contacts and Daily Calendar views, or drag and drop URLs from Sidekick into your Web browser. - EARTHTIME * NEW! Option to display analog or digital format on EarthTime clocks. * NEW! More colorful map with enhanced topography and options. - CONTACTS * NEW! Import and export: Use Sidekick 98's unique Import Wizard and Export Wizard to quickly and easily import and export files in various formats: dBASE, Spreadsheet Data (DIF), ASCII, comma- delimited text, and tab-delimited text. In addition, you can import data from Microsoft Outlook 97, Schedule+ 7.0, and Lotus Organizer 97. * NEW! Open your Windows Address Book cardfile in Sidekick 98. This new feature also supports Microsoft Outlook 97, Outlook Express, and Internet Mail. You must have Microsoft Internet Mail 3.02 or Outlook Express to use this feature. - CALENDAR * NEW! Import: You can now import calendar files from Microsoft Outlook 97, Schedule+ 7.0, and Lotus Organizer 97. ============= 3. UNIMODEM V ============= Some telephony features, such as Caller ID, require use of Microsoft's Unimodem V driver. You can download the Unimodem V driver from the Starfish Software Web site, at http://www.starfish.com/cool/cool.html. The latest version of the Unimodem V driver is available at the Microsoft Web site: http://www.microsoft.com/kb/softlib/mslfiles/unimodv.exe Note: If you do not have a voice modem compatible with Unimodem V, do not install the Unimodem V driver. See your modem documentation, or contact the manufacturer, to see if it supports Unimodem V. ============================= 4. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ============================= Q1: Can Sidekick 98 be installed to a network directory? A1: No. Install will give you an error message when you do so. In addition, you should not use your data files if they are stored on a network directory that does not support long filenames. Q2: I use Microsoft Exchange Inbox for my e-mail. However, after installing other MAPI-compliant software, I could not use Exchange for the Sidekick 98 scheduling features. What could the problem be? A2: This may be due to the fact that some MAPI-compliant appli- cations, like Eudora Pro 2.2, replace the original Microsoft MAPI DLLs with their own customized versions. See the Eudora Pro documentation, or visit the Qualcomm Web site, for configuration details. Q3: I did not hear the alarm go off for an appointment that had an alarm. A3: To hear alarms, you must be sure that Sidekick 98 is running and the Calendar has been loaded. The best way to be sure the Calendar is available is to set Calendar as your default view. Choose Tools|Preferences|General, and select Calendar as the Default Deskpad View. (If the Default Desktop View option is dimmed when you try this, uncheck Remember Last Active Desktop View.) Q4: The e-mail addresses in my cardfile are not being recognized for group event scheduling. Why not? A4: Specific key words must appear in the field names for the fields to be recognized correctly. For Internet addresses (such as jsmith@xyz.com), the word "Internet" must appear in the field name. Other key words are AOL, CompuServe, Fax, Exchange, phone. These terms can appear anywhere in the field name. To change field names, use the Cards|Define Fields command. Q5: I'm having trouble importing from Schedule+. Why? A5: Schedule+ has log-in issues that Sidekick 98 cannot control. To fix this problem, load the file you are attempting to import in Schedule+, keep Schedule+ open, and then try to import. For more answers and tips, be sure to read the Sidekick 98 Tips file in the Memos view. For Frequently Asked Questions, please visit our Web Site at: http://www.starfishsoftware.com/service/ti.html For information about contacting Starfish Software, please select Help|Search from the Sidekick 98 main menu and search for the topic "Contacting Starfish Software." ================================ 5. The Electronic User's Guide ================================ An electronic version of the User's Guide (guide.pdf) is included on the CD-ROM, in a directory called Acrobat. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to use this electronic User's Guide; the Acrobat Reader is also in the Acrobat directory. To install the Acrobat Reader, double-click the file Acroread.exe. If you purchased Sidekick 98 online, you can download the User's Guide from the Starfish Software Web site: http://www.starfish.com, and download the Adobe Acrobat Reader from the Adobe Web site: http://www.adobe.com/supportservice/custsupport/LIBRARY/acrwin.htm After installing the Acrobat Reader, you will be able to double-click the User's Guide (guide.pdf) to read it. Instructions on how to use Adobe Acrobat are included in the Acrobat Reader's online Help system. ================================ 6. Register and Win! ================================ Be sure to register Sidekick 98. By doing so, you could win great prizes. Choose Help | Register and Win! for Internet registration, or print register.txt and mail it in if you do not have Internet access. The register.txt file is in your Sidekick 98 directory on your computer's hard drive. Copyright (c) 1984, 1997 Starfish Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.