#Aunt Emma's Shop, South East, Waterloo 05:30 Owner arrives 06:00 Supplier delivers fresh fruit 06:30 Other victuals are delivered 07:30 Shop assistant arrives 08:00 First clients arrive 12:00 Shop closed, lunch break 14:00 Shop opens 15:50 Bobby passes by for routine check 18:00 Shop is closed 22:22 Police patrol passes by ; #Jeweller's, Oxford Street 07:30 Owner arrives 08:00 Shop is opened 09:00 Stray dog pees at a street lamp 12:00 Owner leaves shop for lunch break 13:30 Police patrol passing by 15:00 Shop opens 15:30 Cleaning lady cleans shop window 17:59 Owner switches on alarm system 18:00 Shop closes 20:20 Police patrol passes by 22:20 Two drunkards tottering by 23:30 Security guards passing by in a car 02:00 Occupant of neighbouring house comes home 04:20 Security guards passing by again ; #Old people's home, Maida Vale 08:00 Breakfast in dining hall 09:00 Visitors arrive 12:00 Lunch in dining hall 13:30 Ambulance arrives 13:40 Ambulance leaves 16:30 Hearse arrives 16:40 Hearse leaves 18:00 Supper in dining hall 19:00 Bedtime, lights go out 20:00 Entrance is locked 21:00 Night nurses arrive 22:00 Everything is quiet 04:30 Police patrol passes by ; #Kenwood House, Hampstead Lane 08:00 Doors opened 09:00 Japanese tourist group arrives 09:30 Guided tour starts 09:40 Japanese tourist loses his way 10:00 Security guards patrol building 12:00 Staff start lunch-break 13:00 Still no trace of lost Japanese tourist 18:00 Last guided tour ends 18:55 Night watchmen arrive 19:00 Building is locked 19:20 Lost Japanese tourist still not found, 19:21 search broken off 20:00 Watchmen patrol building 22:00 Watchmen patrol building again 22:22 Lost Japanese tourist is found 00:10 Street dog begins to howl 02:00 Watchmen patrol building 04:00 Watchmen's last round 06:00 Shift change 06:04 Watchmen leave building ; #Bank of England, City of London 06:00 Cleaning staff arrive 06:30 Police patrol passes by 07:40 Money transport van arrives 07:50 Money transport van leaves 07:59 Shift change of security guards 08:00 Bank opens 08:01 Two security guards take their stand 08:02 in front of main entrance 10:30 Police patrol passes by 12:00 Bank closes 13:30 Nothing worth mentioning 16:00 Bank opens 17:20 Money transport van arrives 17:30 Money transport van leaves 18:20 Police patrol passes by 18:30 Bank closes 20:00 Shift change of security guards 22:20 Police patrol passes by 01:30 Night watchman walks round the building 03:40 Tramp sits down on stairs of building 04:20 Policeman chases away tramp 04:40 Everything is quiet ; #Patrolie A police patrol passes by... #Abbrechen Quit investigation #24StundenBeobachtet Oh well, these 24 hours have passed quite quickly... I'm fairly tired by now, I think I'll quit this investigation... Anyway, it would begin to look suspicious if I stood around here much longer... ^