#STANDARD_UNKNOWN Hello Mr Stuvysunt. Nice to meet you. #STANDARD_KNOWN Mr Stuvysunt! Nice to see you again. #STANDARD_FRIENDLY Hi Matt! #QUESTIONS *What about %s? *... %s? * %s? *What was the matter with %s? *Tell me something about %s! *...%s...? *Let's talk about %s again... #Dan Stanford_KNOWN Hello. My name is Dan Stanford. You have already come to know - and to appreciate - my `Stanford Cabs'. We are one of the largest [000cab companies070] in London. Now, after [000Marc Smith050] has left the company, 70 percent of it are in my posession. #Dan Stanford_cab companies I founded the Stanford taxi company three years ago, followingthe American example - I got this idea during the war, when I was working as a driver for an American major. I know London just as perfectly as my own pocket, and all of my drivers have to have the same qualification - as well as beeing secure and fast [000car060] drivers. #Dan Stanford_car I still get my cars from Marc. His shop is in Wellington Road. #Dan Stanford_Marc Smith Mark and I founded this company together. We were very successful combining his knowledge about cars with my knowledge about this town and about [000cab companies060] - but only until he started getting involved in [000illegal affairs060]. #Dan Stanford_illegal affairs He does not give a damn about where his cars come from - if they seem O.K. to him, he buys them. I tried to accept this for some time, but when we found out that he didn't even hesitate to buy cars from the worst gangsters, I had enough of it. I don't want to have anything to do with criminals and their handimen! I think, Mr. Stuvysunt, you would have done the same thing in my situation, wouldn't you? #Tony Allen_KNOWN Matt you bear a certain similarity to a [000friend050] I once had. #Tony Allen_friend This guy wanted to be a really big fish. He was stupid enough to ask everyone he met whether they would pull a job with him. Well, finally Gludo arrested him. In the end I was quite happy that I had never accepted any of the [000jobs070] he had offered me. #Tony Allen_jobs I was meant to deal with the alarm systems. #Margret Allen_UNKNOWN Hello, stranger. Don't you agree that this is a terribly cool thing to say? Ingrid Bergman greeted Bogart like this in `Casablanca'. Oh no, I've completely forgotten about time. I have to be off now - bye! ^