The function of this report is to provide guidance into who you are, and direction toward a career that can provide you with both success and job satisfaction within an environment that is best suited to your distinct personality. Career Path is designed to reflect the general tendencies and preferences of the test taker. These tests are provided as tools in helping to determine the best career path for you. The quality of the final test results is dependent on the accuracy of your answers. To help answer the complex questions: "Who am I", and "What job would be best for me?" five distinctly different approaches were analyzed. Five approaches were used to provide a more complete and balanced picture of who you are and what career would best suit you. This report is based on the following five inventory test approaches: 1. Analysis of Interest Helps determine what areas and types of work are of greatest interest to you. 2. Analysis of Ability Helps determine what you are capable of doing now and what you may be capable of learning in the future. 3. Analysis of Values Helps determine those personal values that are most important to you. As an example: You may have ability and interest in politics, but if you are a private person who doesn't like publicity, you wouldn't enjoy being a politician. 4. Analysis of Personality Helps determine what job(s) best match your distinct personality. 5. Analysis of Capacity Helps indicate ease and capability to learn complex subjects. From a database that represents over 80% of all available job titles (22,000 jobs), a list of careers and career groups has been provided that should be best suited to your unique profile. By carefully studying the survey results and following the path that Career Path provides, you should be able to determine what career(s) would and would not be best for you.