Cryptogram Helper by Mark Buttram. Written in GFA Basic 3.0. This program makes working cryptograms a little easier. This program will not give you answers, but will keep track of what letters equal what. To run the program you should have these 2 files: CRYPTO.PRG GFA Basic 3.0 Compiled Program CRYPTO.RSC Resource file for CRYPTO.PRG Run CRYPTO.PRG. You should now be presented with a Dialog box. Click on OK or press RETURN to exit from this box. You will now be asked to enter a line. Enter the first line of the Cryptogram you are trying to solve (You can include all punctuation) and press RETURN. All text entered is converted to upper case by the program. The program will then ask for the next line, continue entering lines until all lines are entered (5 MAX). Press RETURN at the "Enter Line>" Prompt to end. Now your cryptogram will be displayed on the screen along with a box at the bottom which contains the letters A - Z and a RUB and QUIT Box. Your solution will appear directly above each corresponding word in the cryptogram. Any punctuation you typed in will already be displayed there. Now that your cryptogram is displayed you can start solving it. Let's say that you are given a clue that says that A = F, first you would click on the A box at the bottom of the screen, and then you would click on the F box. All the A's in the cryptogram would now have the letter F directly above them. You would then continue to solve the puzzle in this way, click on the letter to be changed and then the letter to change it to. The RUB Box is used to change a character to a space. Click on QUIT to Exit. Send bug reports or questions to MABUTTRAM on GENIE.