CrackLDW Version 1.00a - April 20th, 1992 CrackLDW is a utility for decrypting password protected .LDW spreadsheet files. I take no responsibility for how you decide to use it. I intended the program to serve two functions: first for legitimate LDW users who may innocently forget the password they used to protect a file, second to show how poor data security typically is with software on the ST. I chose LDW Power as the target of my endeavours since it is the premiere spreadsheet package for the ST, it would serve as a case in point. LDW Power stands as a fine choice for a spreadsheet package on the ST, however you should not think for a minute that it provides any real measure of data security through the password protection function. Once again, I'd like my position to be clearly stated. LDW is a superb spreadsheet package. In my opinion there is no finer spreadsheet available for the Atari ST/TT line of computers. Data security seems to be an issue which largely has been ignored on the ST platform. Packages like LDW Power which provide password protection for data files often fall far short of the mark. In the case of LDW Power, it would appear that more effort went into encryption of the password than into encryption of the data which the password was designed to protect. This sort of "password protection" would more aptly be described as "password discouragement of casual browsing". It is my hope that CrackLDW will draw some attention to this issue and would urge applications programmers to divert some of their efforts to providing more than just lip service to data security. In this light, I am currently working on a transparent data encryption package which provides a very high level of data security for virtually any ST software. The package is called CRYPST and is being written entirely in 68000K assembler. As I said, this is a transparent system which encrypts all reads/writes for selected data, including backups, temporary working files, etc.. The package includes a GEM accessory user interface and a cryptographic kernel. The kernel is quite sound. It provides multi-level, non-linear application of proven encryption techniques. If you were to generate 1,000 keys per second for the next 200 years, you would have a good chance of cracking a CRYPST protected data file. CRYPST is still several months from release. Interested parties may contact the author at the addresses below. CrackLDW is quite easy to use. It has a simple GEM interface. First you will be prompted for an input file. This is the encrypted .LDW file which you are trying to restore. Logically, CrackLDW will prevent you from trying to decrypt a file which is not password protected. Second you will be prompted for the output file. This may NOT be the same file as the input file. CrackLDW 1.00a is unbuffered. Your disk drive will be quite busy while CrackLDW is working. Since CrackLDW 1.00a uses only 12K of memory, 520ST users or floppy users may wish to read and/or write to a ramdisk. CrackLDW has been tested with LDW Power versions 1.03 and 2.00. LDW Power is a registered trademark of Logical Design Works. CrackLDW 1.00a is shareware. Registration is $10. Shareware payment, comments, bug reports, flames, etc... to: Bruce MacKay 174 Thomas St, Site 4, S-1, RR #1 Porter's Lake, NS Canada B0J 1S0 (902) 829-2564 Internet: BIX: bmackay